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  • Articles

    Focus on Glasgow (UK): Report of a peer visit

    By Euan McGlynn

    After two years of online video calls and back and forth emailing in the wake of the pandemic, Glasgow welcomed representatives from across the nine ROOF cities for a peer learning

  • Urban planning
    Climate action

    Greening as a pathway to resilience in urban areas

    Leafy places in cities can greatly improve health and happiness. But here’s the thing: green isn’t always good for everyone.

  • Articles

    SDG Story: Tallinn

    Guidelines for the implementation and monitoring of the sustainable development goals in the framework of Tallinn 2035 Development Strategy.

  • Articles

    Hat megoldás a városi önkormányzatok számára, hogy mindannyian kevesebb élelmiszert pazaroljunk el

    Az Európai Uniós háztartások évente több millió tonna élelmiszert dobnak ki. Mit tehetnek a városok az élelmiszer-pazarlás elleni küzdelem érdekében?

  • Articles

    Od gejmanja za geekove do gamifikacije za rast i razvoj

    Kad se spomene gejmanje, vjerojatno zamišljamo prizor mlade osobe koja s igraćom konzolom sjedi pred ekranom. Međutim, gaming industrija, ili industrija video igara, ozbiljna je stvar – procijenjena

  • Articles

    URBACT Eesti Haridusinnovatsiooni võrgustiku seminar Viru-Nigula vallas

    Märtsi algul külastasid URBACT Eesti Haridusinnovatsiooni võrgustiku liikmed Viru-Nigula valda. Seekordse kohtumise peateemaks oli Viru-Nigula valla ettevõtete ja haridusasutuste vaheline koostöö.

  • Articles

    Our Balbriggan Hackathon

    The Our Balbriggan Hackathon took place in October 2021. The initial concept for the Hackathon was to hold a one day event “The changing face of Balbriggan” Hackathon. As the plans developed further

  • Articles

    Digital marketing and tourism, Candelaria shows its greatness in the European URBACT programme

    On the 16th of February, Candelaria met with the partners of the European project 'Find your greatness' of the URBACT programme, to deepen the tourism and local experiences of each participating

  • Articles

    Șase soluții pentru autoritățile orașelor spre a ne ajuta pe toți să risipim mai puține alimente

    În fiecare an, gospodăriile din UE aruncă milioane de tone de alimente. Ce pot face orașele pentru a sprijini lupta împotriva risipei alimentare?