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  • Articles

    Modena and its ZCC participatory process

    2021 represents an important year for the City of Modena when the EU project URBACT ZCC participatory process has come to its full implementation.

    In fact, despite the Covid-19 emergency that has not

  • Articles

    Understanding the “Social” Science behind Carbon budgeting – a mid term reflection

    In May 2020 phase 2 of the Zero Carbon Cities embarked on the challenge of developing their own Carbon budgets aided by the URBACT methodology.

    This adventure coincided with lockdowns throughout Europe

  • Articles

    Helyi feldolgozás magas fenntarthatósági normák mellett: a szécsényi Funky Forest (Magyarország)

    Az Agri Kulti már több mint egy évtizede kutatja azokat a területeket, ahol a fenntartható, kisüzemi magyar élelmiszertermelők számára piaci lehetőségek kínálkoznak. Ennek eredményeként több termelői

  • Articles

    Walk and Roll Cities: Preobrazba ulice, ki v središče postavlja ljudi

    Spoznajte URBACT mesta, ki raziskujejo povezavo med mobilnostjo in javnimi prostor z namenom promocije trajnostnih, vključujočih in atraktivnih urbanih prostorov.

  • Experimenting with public space in the inner city – the Summer Street in Turku

    Turku is home to 193,200 inhabitants and is Finland’s third largest city. It is located at the Baltic Sea and is well connected in the Baltic regions to the surrounding countries. Its inner city got

  • Articles

    Ako sa vízia zmenila na pulzujúce centrum: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Hangelo (Holandsko)

    Vsnahe udržať si tempo s okolitými mestami sa Hengelo zapojilo do siete URBACT RetaiLink, čo posilnilo spoluprácu miestnych obyvateľov a firiem pri vytváraní jasného, integrovaného plánu

  • Articles

    Rethinking Milan’s approach to food waste

    While designing its policy, the city of Milan has set up a comprehensive approach to reduce food waste while achieving multiple co-benefits. This article deepen the issue of food waste al local level

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    Food Policies at EU level: sharing experiences and approaches

    The setting up of food policies at European level is a very important process toward the achievement of sustainaibility goals at local and global level. There are some recent and effective experiences

  • Articles

    Acht inspirerende URBACT ontwikkelingen in 2022

    Komend jaar zal URBACT zich opmaken om weer nieuwe steden te verwelkomen. Wat kunnen we verwachten van het komende jaar?