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    URBACT Innovation Transfer Networks 2024

    Call for Innovation Transfer Networks: first updates are here!

    The URBACT IV programme has received 19 proposals for Innovation Transfer Networks from 109 partners across 25 European countries.

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    URBACT public consultation post 2027

    Konsultacija dėl ES sanglaudos politikos po 2027 m.

    Europos Komisija pakvietė visas Europos teritorinio bendradarbiavimo programas dalyvauti konsultacijose dėl būsimos sanglaudos politikos po 2027 m. URBACT programa prisijungia prie diskusijų kviesdama

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    Gemeinsames Logo der Nationalen Kontaktstelle für EUI und URBACT in Deutschland

    Infoveranstaltung zu Calls von EUI und URBACT

    Die Nationale Kontaktstelle stellt drei anstehende Calls vor: den URBACT-"Good-Practice-Call" (15. April 2024), den EUI-"Innovative-Actions-Call" (Mai 2024), sowie die zwei neuen thematischen

  • Articles

    Kroz URBACT tražimo odgovor na pitanje kako grad može zadržati postojeće i privući nove stanovnike

    Razgovorali smo s Nikolinom Gracin, pomoćnicom pročelnika Upravnog odjela za gospodarstvo, poduzetništvo i razvoj Grada Šibenika, o sudjelovanju grada u aktualnim i prošlim URBACT mrežama.

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    Complete URBACT's public consultation survey by 31 July

    Shape the future URBACT

    INTERREG consultation on territorial cooperation post 2027, to put cities front and centre! 

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    Schritt für Schritt zu einer gendergerechten Stadtentwicklung

    Wie kann geschlechtersensible Planung gelingen? Ein Einblick in das Treffen des Netzwerkes FEMACT-Cities in Wien Ende Februar.

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    Potencijal testnih akcija

    Što smo naučili u akcijama malih razmjera koje su provele mreže za akcijsko planiranje 2019. - 2022.?

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    FOOD_Urban garden

    Ouvrir la voie à un verdissement urbain : Les résultats de l'enquête du Partenariat pour des villes vertes

    Le partenariat sur le verdissement des villes de l’Agenda urbain pour l’UE élabore actuellement un plan d’action qui présentera des mesures spécifiques pour aider les autorités urbaines à relever les

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    Illustration of several people in a city with the slogan "Read the latest updates on the Action Planning Networks" in the sky and the hashtag #URBACTacts.

    European cities driving change through URBACT Action Planning Networks

    Get to know the areas of action and the latest updates of these 30 URBACT networks.