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    Európa városai készen állnak a jövőre – web konferencia, 2020. szeptember 3-18.

    2020. szeptember 3-18.

    Csatlakozzon webes konferencia sorozatunkhoz, amely nyomon követi a Lipcsei Karta megújítását Németország EU-s elnöksége alatt.

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    A lakhatásból való kirekesztettség az élet velejárója? – Az elkötelezett városok tiltakoznak

    A cikk az URBACT és az Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) által „Senkit nem hagyunk hátra” címmel rendezett, 2020. június 26-i közös konferencia legfontosabb üzeneteit foglalja össze.

    Vajon fordulópontot

  • Articles

    Is Covid een spelverdeler voor het nieuwe handvest van Leipzig?

    Expert Eddy Adams vraagt naar de laatste ontwikkelingen en de impact van Covid-19 op het vernieuwde Handvest van Leipzig.

    Het vernieuwde Charter van Leipzig was al lang voor de Covid-19 pandemie in

  • Articles

    Apkārtnes kopienu veicināšana - atslēga uz sadarbību starp pašvaldību un iedzīvotājiem

    Pēdējos gados Rīgā strauji ir attīstījusies apkaimju ideja, tiek rīkotas mērķtiecīgas aktivitātes, vērstas uz konkrētas apkaimes kopienas interesēm un vajadzībām, nodibinātas vairākas apkaimju

  • Il nuovo Piano di Azione dell’Agenda Urbana Europea sulla sicurezza urbana negli spazi pubblici.

    E’ possibile partecipare alla consultazione fino al 7 settembre!

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    Porto Culture as pathway towards sociability

    Our partners from Bologna share with us their idea and a way to build partnerships between NGOs, universities, cultural institutions and the city hall in a revitalised cultural area. They show what

  • Articles

    Porto Culture as pathway towards sociability

    Our partners from Bologna share with us their idea and a way to build partnerships between NGOs, universities, cultural institutions and the city hall in a revitalised cultural area. They show what

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    TNM in Bologna - Culture as a perspective of regeneration

    5th Transnational Network Meeting was dedicated to the issue of how to involve the inhabitants, the local community in the life of the nearest area, the neighbourhood through the broadly understood

  • Articles

    Levando as cidades a rejeitar a exclusão em matéria de habitação como um ‘facto da vida’

    Este artigo baseia-se na conferência conjunta URBACT-UIA No one left behind’, que teve lugar a 26 de junho de 2020.