All URBACT articles

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  • Articles

    O que aprendemos sobre a transferência de boas práticas urbanas

    Meeting held to discuss what regulations and incentives can support smart policy.
  • Articles

    What is happening in Vilnius this summer?

    While we all have our minds set on the summer vacations, Vilnius is implementing a series of very interesting initiatives throughout the city. Let’s see what is cooking in the Lithuanian capital city!

  • Articles

    A Mantova una due giorni per confrontarsi e replicare la buona pratica della città

    La collaborazione tra gli attori locali impegnati nel settore della cultura e dell’arte per aumentare la sostenibilità ambientale e potenziare l’azione di contrasto al cambiamento climatico. Questo il

  • Articles

    Come In! – közösségi fesztiválok, beszélgető lakosok, élhetőbb városok

    A Come In! elnevezésű URBACT városhálózat képviselőivel, Ábrahám Mátéval (Újbuda Önkormányzata), Szerencsés Ritával (Kortárs Építészeti Központ) és Szigeti Ferenc Alberttel (a projekt URBACT

  • Articles

    Impacts of urban green spaces on social and individual wellbeing (thematic report)

    Our newest thematic report is ready! Have a look!

  • Articles

    Presenting, the newborn website of the urban commons network of Naples

    Commons Napoli is the newborn website of the urban commons network of Naples, a virtual place where to find altogether the many communities that animate the social and cultural life of the city, with

  • Articles

    URBACT cities join forces in a quest for global sustainability

    A new URBACT network aims to lead the way in delivering on the UN SDGs in cities. Find out why this matters.

  • Articles

    Healthy Cities launches a hub for knowledge sharing with new YouTube channel

    Knowledge sharing is at the core of our network, which is why we are dedicated to making expert guidance accessible to anyone who seeks it. Explore our new YouTube channel for advice and inspiration

  • Six highlights from this year’s URBACT City Festival

    Key messages from this year’s URBACT City Festival – a celebration of URBACT’s experiences on the transfer of urban good practice.