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  • Growing Together

    Starting July 2018, the Town of Pregrada began its journey of transferring the Good Practice from the Town of Athienou, Cyprus, the town which was awarded the title of European town of Good Practice

  • Coronacrisis: International Groningen approach


  • WHO COULD IMAGINE: A Covid-19 diary from Parma - Italy

    The Italian city of Parma, partner in the Welcoming International Talent project, was severely hit by the Corona virus in the beginning of 2020. Our colleagues of Parma provides us a little insight in

  • ULG Coordinators of all seven RU:RBAN cities get together... online!

    The COVID-19 pandemic the world is presently facing has changed most working methods in every professional sector.  Traditional meetings seem to be something of the past and now we “meet” online, just

  • Diary of an international talent in Zlín

    The Welcoming International Talent project focusses on welcoming international students and expats in medium sized European cities. Aim is to improve welcoming policies of these seven cities with


    Can urban gardens be developed as meeting points for modern local communities, or are we " light-years away" from such novelty in terms of urban development practices? An answer to this question could

  • 23 Action Planning Networks ready for Phase 2!

    On 7 May, URBACT's Monitoring Committee has officially approved all Action Planning Networks to proceed to Phase 2.