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  • URBACT Eesti Haridusinnovatsiooni võrgustiku seminar Viru-Nigula vallas

    Märtsi algul külastasid URBACT Eesti Haridusinnovatsiooni võrgustiku liikmed Viru-Nigula valda. Seekordse kohtumise peateemaks oli Viru-Nigula valla ettevõtete ja haridusasutuste vaheline koostöö.

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    Our Balbriggan Hackathon

    The Our Balbriggan Hackathon took place in October 2021. The initial concept for the Hackathon was to hold a one day event “The changing face of Balbriggan” Hackathon. As the plans developed further

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    Digital marketing and tourism, Candelaria shows its greatness in the European URBACT programme

    On the 16th of February, Candelaria met with the partners of the European project 'Find your greatness' of the URBACT programme, to deepen the tourism and local experiences of each participating

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    Șase soluții pentru autoritățile orașelor spre a ne ajuta pe toți să risipim mai puține alimente

    În fiecare an, gospodăriile din UE aruncă milioane de tone de alimente. Ce pot face orașele pentru a sprijini lupta împotriva risipei alimentare?

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    Kommen Sie zum URBACT City Festival 2022!

    Registrieren Sie sich jetzt für das Festival für Städte und Kommunen am 14. bis 16. Juni 2022 im Großraum Paris. Dieses Mal persönlich vor Ort und klimaneutral!

  • Articles

    We kijken ernaar uit u te zien op het URBACT 2022 City Festival!

    Vraag naar uw ticket voor hét festival gewijd aan EU-steden dat plaatsvindt van 14 tot 16 juni, in de regio Groot-Parijs. Deze keer in levende lijven - en koolstof neutraal...

  • Vous êtes attendus au City Festival URBACT 2022 !

    Demandez votre place pour LE Festival dédié aux villes de l'UE. Celui-ci aura lieu du 14 au 16 juin, dans le Grand Paris. Cette fois, en présentiel - et neutre en carbone...

  • Articles

    Focus on Toulouse Métropole (FR): Who are the homeless in our city? How many are they?

    Friday night, 21st January 2022. The coldest night of the week. Well equipped with several warm layers of clothes, socks, gloves, scarf and cap, I am ready to meet my new team and to discover my new