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    Võru - boosting urban development by defining the attractiveness of the city

    Võru is one of the 8 European cities that participates in the "Find Your Greatness" project. The project aims at boosting urban development by defining the attractiveness of Võru, and how to grow and

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    Towards strategic municipal CSR procurement in Europe: lessons and inspiration from URBACT

    URBACT cities are finding ways to unlock the potential of strategic public procurement to boost Corporate Social Responsibility.



    Like most of the walled cities in Malta, the best way to truly take in the charm and architectural splendour of Senglea and appreciate its stunning viewpoints of the Grand Harbour is on foot.

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    Tropa Verde w Aglomeracji Opolskiej - Historia Transferu

    W latach 2018-19 borykaliśmy się w Polsce z wieloma problemami związanymi z gospodarką odpadami, takimi jak pożary składowisk często rozniecanymi przez tzw. mafie śmieciowe, nielegalnymi składowiskami

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    Find Your Greatness (FYG) transznacionális találkozó Budafokon

    A Budafokon, Budapest 22. kerületében megrendezett Find Your Greatness (Fedezd fel az egyediségedet) elnevezésű projektmeeting (2022. április 20-21.) volt az első személyes találkozó a COVID-19

  • Articles

    Facing unpredictable – challenges connected with co-creation process within the RiConnect project

    The main idea and desired outcome of the co-creation process within RiConnect project includes developing assumptions of integrated actions suitable for the Integrated Action Plan Area in cooperation

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    Priča o ciljevima održivog razvoja i viziji grada Ozlja do 2030. godine

    Mjesto radnje ove priče je Ozalj, grad u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj - blizu, ali na granici (u dijelu koji je toliko prirodan da ga se naziva zelenim srcem Hrvatske). Ozalj je član mreže gradova Global

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    The metropolitan dimension of mobility planning

    In today's world, the ability to move freely is one of the basic needs of residents. We move every day for various purposes, to work, to school, to use the services or the unique advantages of a given

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    Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsētas titulu 2027 iegūst Liepāja

    10. maijā preses konferencē Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā tika paziņots, ka Eiropas Kultūras galvaspilsētas 2027 titulu saņēmusi Liepāja.