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    Gdańsk mobility in balance - how to achieve this?

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is slowly becoming "must have" for European metropolises that want their residents to feel good in their own city. Gdańsk will also have this document.

  • Articles

    Cluster development and smart specialisation at city level

    The cluster approach is acknowledged as the most influential one in modern industrial policy worldwide, and the arrival of smart specialisation has emphasized its influence. But, why? How might local

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    Migrants Perspectives 3

    In each edition of its newsletter the Arrival Cities Network will present some of the LSG members through their migration stories, this is the third that has been presented so far.

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    How to plan for healthy and active communities: learning through ’Deep Dive’

    Healthy and active communities are integral parts of a smart city – and they must be planned for. Urban planning has a crucial role in facilitating networks and providing spaces which encourage

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    While the city of Armagh promotes itself as "the religious capital of Northern Ireland" committed to attract visitors, the old prison, another asset in the city part of the extensive legacy of the
  • Digital cities: Amsterdam’s ecosystem of cooperation

    RUnUP Lead Expert report following the opening conference in Gateshead, February 2011.

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    IDRIJA | Mining Town – Industrial Hub – Smart City

    RUnUP organised three thematic events throughout its project lifespan in Agueda, Potsdam and Barakaldo. Event information including programmes, flyers and images are contained in this Report.
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    Collaborative Governance Tech Platform: lessons retain to increase community participation

    The Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) Lisbon Network is a non-profit organisation created in 2015 following an application for Portugal 2020 funding. It is a strategy for Local Community-Based

  • Articles

    Palermo bets on social media governance

    Palermo bets on social media governance to restore a climate of trust between citizens and institutions in the field of urban mobility. Within the process of reduction of the Local Action Plan Palermo