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  • BiodiverCity Peer Learning Event: Poljčane combined nature and urban solutions!

    We spent a fantastic two days in Poljčane for the BiodiverCity Peer Learning Event, where cities and experts together explored how nature-based solutions can be applied to fight. 

  • Working sessions with the lead expert


    On the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of September, the fourth transnational meeting of the DIGI-INCLUSION network was held in Iasi (Romania) and was attended by delegations from all network partners. 


  • Partners from the Cities for Sustainability Governance network holding boxes representing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Source: Cities for Sustainability Governance.

    Mestá na ceste k udržateľnej správe: 9 miest a 9 príbehov o prekonávaní prekážok...

    9 miest siete URBACT (vrátane slovenských Košíc a českého Jablonca nad Nisou) je priekopníkmi v oblasti udržateľnej správy alebo riadenia miest s cieľom odstrániť nedostatky v plnení cieľov

  • Partners from the Cities for Sustainability Governance network holding boxes representing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Source: Cities for Sustainability Governance.

    Cities for Sustainability Governance: 9 stories about overcoming the action gap… from the cities themselves

    Nine URBACT Network cities pioneer sustainability governance to close the action gap towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • EcoCore City Visits to Tuusula and Ķekava: Showcasing Green Urban Innovation

    Last week, practitioners from across Europe visited the Finnish municipality of Tuusula and the Latvian town of Ķekava as part of the EcoCore project, a transnational action planning network exploring

  • 2025 metais URBACT miestų festivalis vyks Vroclave

    URBACT miestų festivalis 2025 m. balandžio 8–10 dienomis vyks URBACT mieste Vroclave, Lenkijoje.

  • bicycle street in Spinelli in Mannheim

    Mit URBACT & EUI klimaneutrale und klimaangepasste Städte gemeinsam gestalten

    Wie profitieren Kommunen von der europäischen Zusammenarbeit im Klimaschutz- und bei der Klimaanpassung? Wie können globale Nachhaltigkeitsziele auf lokaler Ebene umgesetzt werden? Das diskutierten

  • EU City Lab sobre Financiamento da Transição Energética

    Junte-se a nós em Bucareste para saber como desbloquear oportunidades de financiamento para a transição energética nas cidades e promover práticas urbanas mais sustentáveis!

  • EU City Lab sobre Financiamento da Transição Energética

    Junte-se a nós em Bucareste para saber como desbloquear oportunidades de financiamento para a transição energética nas cidades e promover práticas urbanas mais sustentáveis!