03/04/2018 14/06/2021
The ALT/BAU Transfer Network focuses on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing stock resulting from demographic, economic and social change. Based on the experiences from Chemnitz’ URBACT Good Practice “Housing Agency for Shrinking Cities” (Agentur StadtWohnen Chemnitz), the network transfers experiences that proved successful to proactively connect administrations, owners, investors and users to initiate sustainable and resource saving development.

- Constanta - Romania
- Riga - Latvia
- Rybnik - Poland
- Seraing - Belgium
- Turin - Italy
- Vilafranca del Penedes - Spain
Phase 1 Kick-off meeting, Rybnik (PL). Phase 1 Final Meeting, Chemnitz (DE).
Phase 2: Kick-off meeting, Seraing (BE), 1st Transnational Thematic Meeting, Vilafranca del Penedès (ES), 2nd Transnational Thematic Meeting, Riga (LV), 3rd Transsnational Thematic Meeting, Constanta (RO)
Phase 2 Mid-Term Review Meeting, Chemnitz (DE)
Capacity Building Webinar "How to Reactivate vacant residential Buildings"
Phase 2 Network Final Meeting, Turin (IT)
Useful links
- The results of the ALT/BAU transfer network compiled in different languages: Homepage of ALT/BAU Transfer Network
- Agentur StadtWohnen Chemnitz: Homepage of the URBACT Good Practice "Housing Agency for Shrinking Cities"
- Housing Agency for Shrinking Cities: The URBACT Good Practice homepage of the lead partner city Chemnitz (DE)
- From Empty Housing to Social Inclusion: The URBACT Good Practice website of our partner city Vilafranca del Penedès (ES)
- The ALT/BAU Transfer Network's partner in Turin: Homepage of the ALT/BAU partner in Turin
- The ALT/BAU Transfer Network's partner in Seraing: Homepage of the ALT/BAU partner in Seraing
Final Products
altbau_capacity_building_webinar.pdf(PDF, 435Ko)