5 local training sessions in the partner cities are organized with two of the Amadora key practitioners and anti-rumour agents, Elisa Moreira (Teacher at a Secondary school in Amadora) and Marina Palácio ( Illustrator | comic book author | animation filmmaker | artist-educator). Each workshop includes 3 sessions

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    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Mesta mestom: Podpora malim lokalnim akcijam

    Projekt Zunaj je nova oblika podpore prebivalcem v njihovem ustvarjanju prostora (ang. placemaking). Nudi finančno in organizacijsko podporo pri majhnih lokalnih akcijah, ki so si jih zamislile skupnosti same. To je nov način sodelovanja občine in prebivalcev pri ustvarjanju ter skrbi za odprte prostore. Prvo leto je bil Zunaj izveden kot pilotni projekt nevladnih organizacij prostoRož in IPoP s podporo Mestne občine Ljubljana.


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  • A masterclass on Digital Government to pump-up Card4all community

    From a group of 8 hot topics that will guide the new generation of city cards, the Card4all partners selected “The way towards Digital Government” for the first project masterclass.


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  • Θα αλλάξει ο Covid-19 τα δεδομένα για το Νέο Χάρτη της Λειψίας;

    Ο εμπειρογνώμονας Eddy Adams ρωτά για τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις και επιπτώσεις του Covid-19 στον ανανεωμένο Χάρτη της Λειψίας (Leipzig Charter).


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  • Changing perspectives on disability – Ricky and the East Brighton wheelchair basketball revolution

    ACTive NGOs met Ricky Perrin (URBACT local group member from Brighton and Hove, UK) in the 3rd Transnational Seminar in Siracusa (IT). Ricky suffered a spinal cord injury in 2006 and is unable to stand up or walk, when we were informed that a person with movement impairment will participate in the meeting, some concerns appeared about a challenge related to rough, paved streets, typical for Siracusa Old Town - Ortigia, which could be quite inconvenient for the person in a wheelchair.


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  • Le reti URBACT e il futuro delle città: sei grandi temi per il rilancio urbano nel post-pandemia

    Una lettura approfondita dei temi che emergono dai nuovi Action Planning Network e dall’azione delle città italiane coinvolte, da cui emergono elementi utili per immaginare le politiche urbane del futuro e una risposta concreta alle sfide emerse nei mesi di pandemia


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  • Může školní jídelna změnit způsob, jakým zacházíme s potravinami?

    V portugalštině existuje fráze „É de pequenino que se torce o pepino“, což volně přeloženo znamená „dobrému chování je možné se naučit už od útlého mládí“.

    Jídla podávaná ve školních jídelnách mají obrovský potenciál ovlivnit stravovací návyky dětí v oblasti využívání zdravějších a udržitelnějších potravin. Propagací dobrého jídla tak přispíváme ke zlepšení stravovaní přímo v rodinách. Zároveň pozitivně ovlivňujeme další generace z hlediska jejich výběru potravin. 

    Eliska Pilna

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  • What Brno has learnt with the OnStage project – until now

    Brno's participation in the URBACT OnStage network has been one of the first Czech experiences in using music education programs to promote social change. Two city schools now offer - even in the days of Covid-19 - free music lessons for enthusiastic children, a large majority of whom belong to the Roma community.


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  • Cum să gestionezi rețele? Lecții de la COVID-19

    Rețeaua de planificare a acțiunilor Health & Greenspace a avut întâlnirea de start pentru faza a II-a, în perioada 16-17 iunie. Acest lucru înseamnă că 9 orașe ale UE au pornit într-o călătorie lungă de 2 ani pentru implicarea părților interesate de la nivel local și planificarea acțiunilor pentru îmbunătățirea spațiilor verzi urbane. Subiectele lor au rămas aceleași în ceea ce privește proiectarea și managementul spațiului verde legat de sănătatea mentală și fizică, insulele de căldură urbană, poluarea aerului, incluziunea socială, dar contextul s-a schimbat în mare măsură: după ce s-a terminat faza I, COVID-19 a creat crize masive în toată lumea, inclusiv în țările partenere din această rețea.

    Irina Panait

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  • Good practice definition for the NGO Platform

    NGO Platform in a nutshell
    NGO platforms connects citizens who need help or who care about a particular issue with local groups which are active in this field. NGO platforms support local groups with advice, information and support to co-ordinate their work. Those involved in co-ordinating NGO activity in a town often fulfil important bridging functions between civil society and public agencies.
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