• Strengthening resiliency in small tourist-led cities amid Covid-19

    URBACT is already helping smaller cities reliant on tourism to re-imagine their future in the wake of Covid-19.


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  • Obnova odľahlých lokalít s aktívnou účasťou obyvateľov: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Brno (Česká republika)

    Okolité oblasti patriace mestu Brno nemajú vybudovanú vhodnú infraštruktúru a majú slabé sociálne väzby. Pri riešení týchto problémov mesto využíva nástroje operačného programu URBACT, pomocou ktorých realizuje nový model obnovy lokalít. Na tomto modeli budú v prvom rade participovať obyvatelia z lokality Červený kopec (Brno).

    Matus Zak

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  • Healthy Cities during COVID-19; Accelerating from planning to action

    By Dr.Sebastiaan van Herk, lead expert Healthy Cities, and Sofia Aivalioti, Ad Hoc Expert Healthy Cities

    The COVID-19 pandemic that has sent the world into lockdown has also affected, but not derailed, progress towards building healthier cities. In fact, it’s only under confinement that many people truly took stock of their living environment - their homes, streets and neighbourhoods - and appreciated the value of accessible green spaces. It was also a time to (re)discover the importance of community and collective health: our health depends on the health of others. This places health at the centre of the debate when re-considering the priorities of urban planning. Out of the crisis, cities can build back better with much more support for city policies in greening, mobility and health, that may well have taken years to build up otherwise. In other words, they can work towards becoming a healthy city.

    Estrada Cristina

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  • Европейската Зелена сделка – нов Фонд за модернизация, нови възможности и стари проблеми

    14 милиарда евро за енергиен преход на държавите-членки


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  • Promotion of neighbourhood communities – the key to cooperation between the municipality and residents

    In the recent years, the idea of neighbourhoods has developed rapidly in Riga, targeted activities are organised, focusing the interests and needs of the community of a particular neighbourhood, several neighbourhood associations have been established. We invited for a conversation Guntars Ruskuls, the author of the implementation of the neighbourhood idea and platform, Head of the Strategic Management Board of the Riga City Council’s Department of City Development.


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  • Modelli territoriali e sviluppo urbano in Italia, dall'analisi ESPON i temi al centro dei network URBACT delle città italiane

    A policy brief addressed to policy makers from European cities and regions. A policy brief addressed to policy makers from European cities and regions. Produced in October 2016 by ESPON, Interact, Interreg Europe and URBACT. Authors: Martina Bačová, Kai Böhme, Marie Guitton, Marjan van Herwijnen, Tamás Kállay, Jenny Koutsomarkou, Ivano Magazzù, Eilish O’Loughlin and Ania Rok.


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  • A Toolkit for Cities to promote Playful Activities in Schools

    Insights for cities and policy-makers to design a strategy to involve Schools Institutions for promoting PLAY activities


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  • "Sharing and connecting" - an effective way of Trapesa international meeting point to engage Espoo residents

    With a slogan ‘sharing and connecting’ Trapesa international meeting point offers a neutral and unbiased environment for discussions, hobbies and learning, and its doors are open to all people regardless of their nationality, mother tongue, religion and cultural background. To explore the establishment and development of Trapesa, we had an interesting conversation with Raisa Lindroos, Secretary General of Filoksenia Association that is the driving force behind Trapesa. 


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  • Jó gyakorlat a civil platformról

    A Civil Platformról röviden

    A civil platformok jelentősége, hogy összekapcsolják a segítségre szoruló vagy egy adott kérdésben érintett lakosokat az aktív helyi csoportokkal. A civil platformok emellett tanácsadást nyújtanak a helyi csoportoknak, valamint támogatják őket munkájuk összehangolásában. Továbbá a városban működő civil szervezetek tevékenységének koordinálását segítve fontos hidat képeznek a civil társadalom és az állami intézmények között.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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    Filosofia din spatele Rețelelor de Transfer URBACT este încorporată în numele său: transferul de bune practici al unui oraș către un grup de orașe care au identificat posibilitatea de a adopta (și de a adapta) astfel de bune practici și de a le face proprii. Toate în spiritul de a împărtăși cunoștințe și experiență cu scopul final de a îmbunătăți calitatea vieții, în fațetele sale multiple, în orașele noastre. Fiecare rețea de transfer ar trebui să producă o „poveste de transfer” care este, pe scurt, povestea modului în care bunele practici au fost transferate în alte orașe ale UE, care au fost provocările cu care se confruntă și oportunitățile apărute în proces.

    Irina Panait

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