• Tool

    Problems and solutions table

    The Problems and Solutions Table aims to identify solutions for each defined problem and the resources required for them to be implemented.

  • Tool

    Problem tree

    The Problem Tree is a graphical representation of an existing problem, its causes and effects which aims to get a clear and shared understanding of the issue.

  • Consolidarea rezistentei economice în orasele mici bazate pe turism in mijlocul pandemiei Covid-19

    URBACT ajută deja orașele mai mici bazate pe turism să-și imagineze viitorul în urma pandemiei Covid-19.

    Irina Panait

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  • Making Spend Matter - Summer Newsletter

    Welcome to the fifth issue of Making Spend Matter Newsletter bringing you the latest updates from our Network on progressive public procurement, spend analysis and anchor institution cooperation.

    Alison Taylor

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  • A virtual Masterclass to reflect on Online Communities in the time of Covid-19.

    In this difficult period workers need to ask many questions regarding how to manage professional dynamics which so far have been taken for granted. Among these are dynamics ruling sociality: the difficulty and, in many cases, the impossibility to physically meet pushes to find the solution to keep communities active (and maybe to create new ones), especially through digital technologies.

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Mesta mestom: Mladinski center Idrija

    Mladinski centri izvajajo programe za mlade v lokalni skupnosti. Skrbijo za delovanje in druženje posameznikov in mladinskih organizacij, zagotavljajo pa tudi prostore in nudijo pogoje za razvoj mladih posameznikov in skupin v svojem lokalnem okolju. Povezujejo se z drugimi organizacijami in spodbujajo aktivno državljanstvo, mobilnost mladih in prostovoljstvo, s čimer lahko prispevajo h krepitvi lokalne skupnosti in zmanjšanju selitev mladih iz manjših krajev v večja središča.


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  • Strengthening resiliency in small tourist-led cities amid Covid-19

    URBACT is already helping smaller cities reliant on tourism to re-imagine their future in the wake of Covid-19.


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  • Obnova odľahlých lokalít s aktívnou účasťou obyvateľov: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Brno (Česká republika)

    Okolité oblasti patriace mestu Brno nemajú vybudovanú vhodnú infraštruktúru a majú slabé sociálne väzby. Pri riešení týchto problémov mesto využíva nástroje operačného programu URBACT, pomocou ktorých realizuje nový model obnovy lokalít. Na tomto modeli budú v prvom rade participovať obyvatelia z lokality Červený kopec (Brno).

    Matus Zak

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  • Healthy Cities during COVID-19; Accelerating from planning to action

    By Dr.Sebastiaan van Herk, lead expert Healthy Cities, and Sofia Aivalioti, Ad Hoc Expert Healthy Cities

    The COVID-19 pandemic that has sent the world into lockdown has also affected, but not derailed, progress towards building healthier cities. In fact, it’s only under confinement that many people truly took stock of their living environment - their homes, streets and neighbourhoods - and appreciated the value of accessible green spaces. It was also a time to (re)discover the importance of community and collective health: our health depends on the health of others. This places health at the centre of the debate when re-considering the priorities of urban planning. Out of the crisis, cities can build back better with much more support for city policies in greening, mobility and health, that may well have taken years to build up otherwise. In other words, they can work towards becoming a healthy city.

    Estrada Cristina

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  • Европейската Зелена сделка – нов Фонд за модернизация, нови възможности и стари проблеми

    14 милиарда евро за енергиен преход на държавите-членки


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