• Tool

    Coherence Checklist

    The Coherence Checklist aims at assessing the coherence and solidity of a plan and making sure it covers all required elements.

  • Tool

    Implementation Capabilities Grid

    The Implementation Capabilities Grid is a tool to assess assets and weaknesses in relation to the implementation of an action plan, it will help getting ready and filling...

  • Guide

    Preparing for Implementation

    The Guide on Preparing for Implementation aims at helping city practitioners to get ready for the delivery of action plans. 

  • Tool

    PROCURE's Tips

    Here is a few tips regarding smart public procurement from the URBACT Action-Planning Network PROCURE.

  • Guide

    Smart Public Procurement

    The Guide on Smart Public Procurement explores the key challenges to implementation of public procurement frameworks and how these challenges can be, and are being, overc...

  • Tool

    The Funding Matrix

    The Funding Matrix aims at helping city practitioners solid and coherent funding strategies.

  • Tool

    The Ranking Tables

    The Ranking Tables aim at considering one source or one type of funding source in relation with an action and its subsequent costs.

  • Tool

    Four C's

    The Four C's Review sheet helps assessing the Coherence, Completeness, Concerns and Continuation of an action plan, in order to make sure that it doesn’t omit any crucial...

  • Tool

    Refining an action

    The Refining an Action Table helps to develop concrete actions by planning them in details, thinking about activities, timescale, outputs resources and obstacles.

  • Tool

    Self-Assessment tool for Integrated Action Plan

    The Self-assessment Tool for Integrated Action Plans is a table developed for stakeholder groups to check their own progress with their plans.

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