• Pět způsobů, jak oživit maloměstské centrum

    Jsou městská centra připravena opět přivítat své návštěvníky? Přinášíme pět řešení, jak zatraktivnit centra malých měst v post-covidové éře. 

    Markéta Horská

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  • Dragostea feroce a lui Barnsley te ține pentru totdeauna în inima lui

    Acestea sunt cuvintele, luminate cu neon, care te întâmpină atunci când intri în noul spațiu public al lui Barnsley din centrul orașului.

    Irina Panait

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  • Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 2)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event focused on smart and innovative cities, as Limerick City and County Council presented their innovative and smart city strategy and actions during this virtual study visit on the 9th and 10th of December 2021. 



    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Impressive Smart Limerick at Limerick Innovation Virtual Event (Part 1)

    On the 25th and 26th of October the City of Bragança held a Transnational Meeting on the Policy challenge “Innovative and Smart Business”. This TNM was only the first part of the event focused on smart and innovative cities, as Limerick City and County Council presented their innovative and smart city strategy and actions during this virtual study visit on the 9th and 10th of December 2021. The planning of this Virtual Study Visit as evolved into the very first ever Limerick Innovation Live Event (LIVE), a public event to showcase Limerick as a Smart City. Limerick is rich in talent and hosts many leading areas of expertise and practice – including some of the leading global technology, medical and pharma companies as well as globally significant research and education facilities. Find Your Greatness project partners heard about innovation from ULG members such as DELL Technologies, University of Limerick, Technical University of the Shannon, Analog Devices, and others. The event also contained the Limerick Small Scale Action. We introduced the Limerick Makers Club and FabLab, who demonstrated that innovation in Limerick is not trapped behind the walls of Intellectual Property, but a living aspect of the City.

    The recordings of Day 1 and 2 can be viewed at: https://www.limerick.ie/council/whats-on/citizen-engagement/limerick-innovation-virtual-event


    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Grosuplje želi uvesti igriv pristop k razvoju mesta

    Grosuplje spoznalo igralno kulturo italijanskega Vidma.


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  • Tiny Practical Steps for change: TransNational Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland

    The 2nd Meeting of the BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network took place in Wroclaw, from the 22nd  to the 25th of November, under the theme "Micro Good Practices". The meeting gathered the four project staff of the four Cities (Mouans-Sartoux, Liège, Gavà and Wroclaw),  their respective kitchen staff, and local stakeholders.

    Clara Garrone

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  • URBACT wünscht frohe Weihnachten und freut sich auf ein spannendes Jahr 2022!

    2021 war erneut ein turbulentes Jahr: Beruflicher wie privater Alltag standen für viele weiterhin unter großen Beeinträchtigungen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie. Dabei lebt gerade die Arbeit im Kontext von URBACT von Reisen, Netzwerken und Austausch mit Kolleg:innen aus ganz Europa. Dass diese schönen Facetten der URBACT-Netzwerkarbeit ein weiteres Jahr sehr eingeschränkt waren, ist sehr schade und wir hoffen alle, dass wir im nächsten Jahr wieder mehr von dieser besonderen URBACT-Atmosphäre erleben können!

    Lilian Krischer

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  • Feeding a Cooperative Food Network in a Time of Pandemic

    This article presents brief comments on three ideas that describe the state of mind of the FOOD CORRIDORS network just before giving way to the final period of a project that has seen the light and grown parallel to the life cycle of a pandemic. It has been a strange circumstance that we would nevertheless like to consider as the engine that has pushed a desire for rebirth or rejuvenation for our network. We understand this rebirth as the means to cultivate new ways of working, new spaces of relationship, environments of curiosity that generate transformative action to the proposed problems. The FOOD CORRIDORS partners, together with the network's experts and the URBACT Programme, have evaluated what we have experienced, what we have learned, and what we would like to propose to continue with the challenge of cooperation between European cities in the face of their significant challenges.

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    Vera Lopes

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  • Cum își implică Aradul cetățenii în crearea de spații pentru oameni

    Orașul Arad găzduiește 176.000 de locuitori și este localizat foarte aproape de Ungaria, precum și aproape de granița cu Serbia. Acest context conferă Aradului o poziție cheie pentru conexiunile rutiere și feroviare internaționale, inclusiv un coridor al rețelei centrale TEN-T care traversează direct orașul. Aradul se află în prezent în proces de implementare a primului său Plan de Mobilitate Urbană Durabilă (PMUD) și în același timp își actualizează PMUD pentru următorii ani. Realizările recente în domeniul mobilității urbane au creat cea mai mare rețea urbană de ciclism din România, cu peste 150 km și rețele ample de transport public, care se întinde în zonele periurbane ale orașului. Lucrările pentru un serviciu de transport urban durabil continuă și vor avea parte de îmbunătățiri ulterioare ale rețelei de transport public cu vehicule noi, linii noi, opriri și management mai bun al traficului, precum și extinderea rețelei de biciclete și crearea de zone pietonale.

    Unul dintre obiectivele principale de astăzi este revitalizarea centrului orașului. Ideea este de a reconsidera și redistribui spațiul public de la un design orientat spre mașină la crearea de spațiu pentru oameni. Aradul aplică extinderea spațiilor pietonale, crearea unei rețele pietonale și managementul parcărilor ca principale instrumente pentru a-și vitaliza centrul orașului.

    Irina Panait

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  • “Experience is the best teacher”

    Experience is the best teacher” – learning through Case Studies about methods to use technology and innovative business models to improve Urban Development in small cities

    By Eurico Neves, Lead Expert of the ‘IoTXchange’ URBACT APN project, CEO of INOVA+ S.A.

    It is commonly accepted that ‘Experience is the best teacher ‘. However, this experience doesn’t have to be undergone personally, and can be learnt through the lessons and achievements of others as well. That’s the whole purpose of Case Studies, and that’s how they have been used within the context of the IoTXchange Action Planning Network (APN) of the URBACT programme.

    Mariana Salvado

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