Cele mai recente știri privind orașele și rețelele URBACT, de la antreprenoriatul maritim la „cultură pentru toți





    Simona Arghire

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  • Retrospectiva anului 2021 – URBACT in orasele din Romania

    După anul 2020 cand orasele romanesti au fost date peste cap de criza pandemica si sistemul administratiei publice a facut un pas mare catre digitalizare, anul 2021 a venit sa ne arate ca ne putem descurca si putem face multe chiar si in pandemie, cel putin asta este viziunea din unghiul URBACT.

    Irina Panait

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  • Od obchodu s ropou k digitálnemu hubu: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Kristiansand (Nórsko)

    Kristiansand sa často prehliada ako ospalé mesto, avšak znovu sa vracia do pozornosti ako centrum pre technologické inovácie. V rámci URBACT siete GEN-Y City spolupracovalo mesto so študentskými organizáciami na propagácii digitálnych zručností pre všetky vekové kategórie.

    Matus Zak

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  • URBACT’s 2021 highlights

    Our Digital Communications Editor Ed Thorpe reviews the URBACT’ highlights from 2021 – another challenging year under the pandemic

    Ed Thorpe

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  • Manresa 2030 Agenda: localising the SDGs through meaningful participation

    Since the end of 2018, Manresa is working on its local 2030 Agenda: an integrated sustainability strategy to respond to the environmental, social, and economic challenges of the current decade. A strategy whose design, implementation and monitoring must be shared with all the local stakeholders and citizens.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Kostas Karamarkos, RU:RBAN Lead Expert, introduces the city of Algeciras to Urban Gardens Management

    Since we just attended the Algeciras Transnational Meeting, Kostas Karamarkos shares with our readers the highlights of the city and its involvement in the project. Enjoy the reading of this article produced by Kostas himself!  Since we just attended the Algeciras Transnational Meeting, Kostas Karamarkos shares with our readers the highlights of the city and its involvement in the project. Enjoy the reading of this article produced by Kostas himself!  

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Cinque sfide per le città URBACT, UIA e Agenda Urbana nel 2022

    L’anno che sta per iniziare sarà un anno cruciale per l’avvio della nuova politica di coesione 2021-2027, con la conclusione degli ultimi progetti di rete finanziati dalla precedente programmazione e l’avvio dei primi bandi dei programmi europei destinati allo sviluppo urbano sostenibile.
    In questo approfondimento mettiamo in evidenza alcuni degli elementi più significativi emersi dall’azione delle reti URBACT, dei progetti UIA e dalle partnership di Agenda Urbana per l’UE nel 2021, individuando alcune linee di intervento che saranno cruciali per l’anno che sta per iniziare.


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  • Role-playing as a method for active participation in the URBACT KAIRÓS - Heritage as Urban Regeneration project by ad-hoc expert Mirna Karzen

    Can you have small scale actions before infrastructure developments and when to introduce them? Why include community in the urban planning processes – they are not experts, architects, urban planners, and traffic specialists? How can you introduce alternative mobility options in the hilly city? What green infrastructure solutions to introduce in the historical old towns that would not make conservationists cringe?

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Orașe mici care au supraviețuit Covid-19: „Fără comunicare frecventă ne-am fi simțit mai singuri”

    Implicarea părților interesate, cooperare intersectorială, planificare integrată – o rețetă URBACT pentru reziliență!

    Irina Panait

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  • A round-up of 2021; and looking ahead to 2022

    It’s that time of year again! The end of 2021 is nearly here and we will welcome in 2022.

    The end of the year, and beginning of a new one, is always a time for reflection (for what’s happened so far) and excitement (for what’s coming up ahead). Thinking about USE-IT, the project has got off to a great start. We’ve had excellent study visits (electronically that is) and informative meetings with all our partners.

    Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic, we have not been able to travel in the same way we usually would, which is a shame – but we’ve made up for it, with fantastic contributions from everyone.

    2021 has been a busy year for USE-IT. The last few months have been a time to set-up the project and get everything ready. As we look to 2022, this will be when the project goes into full speed.

    James Carless

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