05/06/2019 08/08/2022


URGE, an abbreviation for 'circular building cities' is an Action Planning network on circular economy in the construction sector - a major consumer of raw materials. As there is a gap in circular economy principles' implementation in this sector, URGE brings together nine cities and their stakeholders to inspire and learn from each other in developing their integrated urban policy. This supports integration of circularity in the construction tasks, thus contributing to sustainable cities.



Lead Partner : Utrecht - Netherlands
  • Copenhagen - Denmark
  • Granada - Spain
  • Kavala - Greece
  • Munich - Germany
  • Nigrad d.o.o - Slovenia
  • Oeste CIM - Portugal
  • Prato - Italy
  • Riga - Latvia


City of Utrecht - team Circular Economy & team External Funds



URGE Circular Building Cities

URGE Circular Building Cities Youtube Channel



  • Phase 1: Kick-off and finalization meetings in Utrecht (NL) and Copenhagen (DK) (2019-2020)
  • Phase 2: Online transnational exchange meetings hosted by Munich (DE), Prato (IT), Oeste (PT), Copenhagen (DK), Riga (LV) and Maribor (SI) (2020-2021)
  • Phase 2: Coordination meetings in Granada (ES) and Kavala (EL) (2022)
  • Phase 2: Final event in Utrecht (NL) (2022)