Edited on 10/04/2024

Call for Experts: URBACT seeks assessors for Innovation Transfer Networks

Call for Experts: URBACT seeks assessors for Innovation Transfer Networks.

The URBACT programme is extending an invitation to experts to join the External Assessment Panel for Innovation Transfer Networks.

Up to 6 individuals will play a crucial role in evaluating applications received in the call for projects. Innovation Transfer Networks will transfer and adapt an innovative project completed under the framework of Urban Innovative Actions to other European cities.

Diversity matters! The selected panel will be geographically and gender balanced, ensuring a well-rounded perspective. Additionally, one panel member will be appointed as the Chair, leading the assessment process.

Interested individuals can find detailed information about tasks, milestones, and application documents on our dedicated page. The deadline for applications is 16 February. Don’t miss out on this chance to contribute to urban innovation!

Submitted by URBACT on 26/01/2024