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  • C4TALENT Highlights at Piraeus ULG Meeting and Blue Growth Conference

    Held at the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce.

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • URBACT City Festival 2025

    Ir atvērta reģistrācija URBACT Pilsētu Festivālam 2025. gadā!

    URBACT Nacionālais kontaktpunkts Latvijā aicina piedalīties URBACT Pilsētu Festivālā 2025. gadā! Festivāls norisināsies trīs dienas – no 2025. gada 8. līdz 10. aprīlim Polijas pilsētā Vroclavā!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Event

    URBACT City Festival in Wroclaw

    Komend jaar wordt er weer een URBACT City Festival georganiseerd voor de Europese gemeenschap. De City Festivals gaan in op actuele stedelijke kwesties. Tijdens het festival wordt op een actieve en dynamieke manier informatie en kennis gedeeld door een mix van workshops en activiteiten. 

  • Humanizácia alebo poľudštenie miest -nové prístupy k mestskej mobilite

    Ako mestá pretvárajú ulice pre ľudí, nie pre autá? Odpovede prináša URBACT Knowledge Hub "Walk and Roll Cities".

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Talent-Friendly Cities

    Introducing C4TALENT's Infographic #2.

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • The participants in the Empathy Retreat. The image shows the 32 people and trainers in front of the Museum, where some activities were held. (Source: Robert Barlea for AMAIS, 2022).

    Accessible and Inclusive Public Spaces: Foundations for Thriving Communities

    Public spaces are the core of urban community life, offering people a place to observe each other, connect, and share goals, needs, and stories. When designed with human diversity in mind, these spaces have the transformative potential to foster social cohesion, enhance quality of life, and support sustainable urban living. They serve as platforms for community interaction, cultural exchange, and recreation, contributing in the long term to healthier, more equitable cities. Public spaces should be accessible to all citizens and not create discrimination caused by the built environment. However, although accessibility and inclusion are recurring topics in numerous EU documents and reports, they are still too often treated as add-ons rather than integral components of urban planning. This leaves many spaces inaccessible or unfriendly to diverse user groups and leads to missed opportunities for building an equitable society.

    To build on this, GreenPlace, one of Urbact’s networks that aims to develop a set of activities for "recycling" unused urban areas using social participation tools having a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, recently held a workshop titled “Equitable Cities—An Inclusive Approach” in Nitra, Slovakia. The participants examined how the built environment can contribute to social segregation and generate disabilities even where there are no permanent ones. They discussed the importance of shifting accessibility from being viewed as a "special case" 1 to becoming a core priority in public space development. 


    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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