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  • Food System transformation and the role of food policies

    During the NextAgri project, the topic of creation of food policies was one of the core issues. Having a Food Policy formally approved means starting and taking care of a mature institutional path, which is the necessary condition to ensure a lasting impact.

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Floriade Expo 2022: food policies and cities actions

    On 22-24 June Expo Floriade 2022 that took place in Almere, hosted the partners of the NextAgri Urbact project, the Food Trails Horizon 2020 project, and of the Eurocities and Milan Urban Food Policy Pact network, to talk about food policy and food system innovation. 

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Milan Urban Food Policy Pact: Regional Forum in Europe and Asia Pacific

    Since 2015 the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) has grown, increasing the number of the city partners and reaching new important results as the last two Regional Forums in Almere (NL) and Bandung (IDN).

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Oosterwold: an example of peri-urban agriculture in the Netherlands

    One of the field visits organized by the Municipality of Almere during the NextAgri meeting was in a stretch of land between Almere and Zeewolde (NL). Oosterwold  is a self-sufficient, green district, unique in the Netherlands: 

    Cristina Sossan

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  • Lunch at the canteens

    A Table! for an EU food sovreignty

    Clara Garrone

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  • Hudba a tanec pomáhajú rozvoju detí a rodín aj v Lučenci

    V Lučenci sa do plánovania aktivít OnStage zapojilo viacero inšitúcií. Okrem samosprávy aj zamestnanci Komunitného centra, Centra voľného času, Základnej školy M. R. Štefánika. Možností osloviť a zapojiť deti z marginalizovaných komunít bolo viac, napokon zodpovednosť za realizáciu novej voľnočasovej aktivity prevzala pani riaditeľka Občianskeho združenia Za dôstojný život Zdenka Kotrasová a lektorky Marianna Žilková a Anna Čemeričková z Centra voľného času. Aké malo Mesto Lučenec plány, ako prebiehala realizácia pilotného programu a aké skúsenosti získali lektorky, sme zhrnuli v tomto článku.

    Matus Zak

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