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  • KAIRÓS partners visiting Cesena by Elena Giovannini, Cesena Municipality

    After about two years of online meetings, the KAIRÓS partners met in Cesena on 18 and 19 November 2021 to exchange innovative good practices of urban regeneration related to areas that present phenomena of urban decay, but that could become an attractive pole of particular importance for those who live in the area.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Public-private partnership around a common goal : "a vision of a climate-neutral economy"

    The ability to federate all the stakeholders in a territory is one of the main strengths of an URBACT project. Public sector, associations, private partners can meet, exchange, act together in a common objective for sustainable urban development. Urb-En Pact brings together all those who have a role to play in the energy transition of cities. Dr Antonios Mountouris, Chemical Engineer, Head of Group Environmental Management & Sustainable Development Department at Hellenic Petroleum Group of Company (Elefsina - Greece), talks about the inclusion of his company in the Urban Energy Pact project.

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • Urb-En Pact – Ações de sensibilização sobre energia mais apelativas através de jogos

    Vamos descobrir como a Comunidade Intermunicipal (CIM) do Alto Minho ajuda na sensibilização para a transição energética. Graças à implementação de uma ação de pequena escala (small-scale action) URBACT, a cidade testou com sucesso a utilização de jogos nas escolas.


    Maria João Matos

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  • Portalegre to install an intelligent and digital network for the collection of used cooking oil

    Portalegre to install an intelligent and digital network for the collection of used cooking oil

    Josephine Di Pino

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  • Project “Digital Innovation for Cities” (DigiPlace) partners visited Ventspils

    Project “Digital Innovation for Cities” (DigiPlace) partners visited Ventspils

    Josephine Di Pino

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  • Neva Pipan: »Vedno znova se postavim v vlogo občana in izhajam iz tega, kaj občan potrebuje, kako razmišlja.«

    Neva Pipan je od leta 2019 zaposlena v kabinetu mariborskega župana kot koordinatorka aktivnosti Izboljšajmo Maribor, kjer pokriva tudi področje, povezano s pobudami občanov. Socialna delavka po osnovni izobrazbi in diplomirana organizatorka turizma danes dela magisterij iz upravljanja pametnih mest. Nekoč glasbenica in samostojna podjetnica z izkušnjami s področja turizma in gospodarstva je danes vodja in pobudnica številnih projektov na Mestni občini Maribor. Je vodja participativnega proračuna, koordinatorka spletne platforme Izboljšajmo Maribor, mestnih čistilnih akcij, razstavišča na prostem Ob štreki in še bi lahko naštevali. Predvsem pa je Mariborčanka, z dušo in telesom, ki čuti in razume svoje mesto in njegove ljudi. Dela na projektih v katere, tako pravi, zares verjame.



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