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  • BeePathNet Reloaded Boot Camp

    The BeePathNet Reloaded Boot Camp was a five-day intensive training opportunity. The BeePathNet Reloaded partners Ljubljana (lead partner), Bansko (Bulgaria), Bergamo (Italy), Osijek (Croatia) and Sosnowiec (Poland) got to know each other and familiarise themselves with Ljubljana’s Bee Path and its URBACT local group (ULG) members. Participants attended a round table on green city management and started to plan Bee Paths in their cities. Boot Camp also gave all participants an opportunity to share knowledge.

    Ema Sobak

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  • The Bee-friendly city movement is about spreading knowledge on urban beekeeping

    BeePathNet Reloaded is about spreading knowledge on urban beekeeping to additional four EU cities that have proven its environmentally friendly orientation and would like to put special emphasis on creating a supporting environment for pollinators. Ljubljana, as a lead partner, will share the Bee-friendly city movement knowledge with Bansko in Bulgaria, Bergamo in Italy, Osijek in Croatia and Sosnowiec in Poland. This movement started in 2018 with Amarante, Portugal, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Cesena, Italy, Hegyvidék – XII District of Budapest, Hungary and Nea Propontida, Greece. The opportunity to transfer knowledge to additional four EU cities is URBACT’s special award for our hard work within BeePathNet partnership of and all the “honey” that all of us are putting in the preservation of the urban environment - place that we share with the bees.

    Ema Sobak

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  • Candelaria continues to advance in the European project "FIND YOUR GREATNESS"

    The Candelaria Technology Centre (CTcan) hosted on Thursday, October 21st, the second meeting of the Extended Local Working Group of Candelaria of the European project "Find your greatness".

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Vilawatt UTM webináriumok: tapasztalatcsere és tanulás a jövőbeli beruházási terv kidolgozásáért

    A Vilawatt URBACT transzferfolyamat öt, a tanulást segítő webináriumot foglal magában, amelyek célja, hogy a partnervárosok elmélyítsék a Vilawatt innovatív gyakorlatát alkotó öt pillérről szóló ismereteiket és ezáltal képesek legyenek hatékonyabban kidolgozni az egyes városok jövőbeli beruházási terveit.

    Ezek az alkalmak lehetőséget teremtenek arra, hogy a szakértők által megosztott valós tapasztalatok és esettanulmányok révén jobban megismerhessük a következő témákat: utólagos felszerelés/modernizálás, energiaközösségek és a projektek irányítóival való kapcsolat (a köz-, a magánszféra és a polgárok együttműködése), az energiaszolgáltatás megosztása, a polgárok bevonása az energiahatékonysági stratégiákba, valamint az érdekeltek bevonásának ösztönzése.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Mouscron: Story of Transnational Meeting

    On September 28th, the transnational meeting with the co-host cities of Trim, Mouscron and Klaipeda was held by videoconference (thanks to covid…). Nevertheless, it was an opportunity for us to practice our English. 
    Through this activity, we were able to learn more and discover local traditions. We were therefore able to introduce other cities to our customs and to share with them our culture. 

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Viladecans (ES)

    Cities powering up to fight climate change

    Discover Viladecans’ innovative governance for Energy Transition for smaller cities and beyond.

    Miriam Martín

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