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Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • Este modelul de oraș compact pe cale de dispariție?

    Trei rețele de planificare a acțiunilor (2019 - 2022) s-au reunit pentru a discuta cu privire la modul în care oamenii pot experimenta și se pot deplasa prin oraș.

    Mihaela Florea

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  • Popolni partnerji?

    Preverite, kako vzpostaviti močno partnerstvo za URBACT omrežje.


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  • Présentation Infoday France 2023

    Retour sur l'Infoday URBACT France

    Le 1er février dernier s'est tenu l'Infoday URBACT France&Luxembourg. L'occasion de revenir sur les grands enjeux du programme URBACT et de présenter le nouvel appel à réseaux en cours du 9 janvier au 31 mars 2023.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • URBACT releases study on the Integrated Action Plans

    The study builds on the experience from the Action Planning Networks (2019 - 2022).


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  • URBACT IV. magyar Információs nap az akciótervezési hálózatok felhívásról – február 10.

    2023. február 10-én 10 órakor vette kezdetét a magyar URBACT kontaktpont, az Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium által megrendezett URBACT IV. Információs nap, amelynek témája a 2023. január 9-én megnyílt akciótervezési hálózatok pályázat volt.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • The Bee Path Cities - good for pollinators and therefore good for people

    The Bee Path Cities network – a network of urban authorities that have come together under the shared vision of creating cities that are good for pollinators and therefore good for people was established in October 2022. Listen to five mayors explaining the greening changes in their neighbourhoods fostered by seeking to understand, adapt, re-use and upgrade the inspiring Ljubljana (Slovenia) ‘Bee Path’ practice. Learn what the Bee Path City network philosophy stands for and how to join HERE.


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