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  • Focus on Poznan (PL): Our respons to the housing needs of the underprivileged

    In Poznan, the department in charge of the realization of housing policy pursued by the Mayor and City Council is the Office of Housing Affairs. The Office's responsibilities include, among others, developing solutions, projects and programs to meet the housing needs of Poznan society. Moreover, the Office co-creates the rent policy in the city's housing resources and provides the Mayor with knowledge on the housing needs of Poznan inhabitants as well as ways of satisfying them.

    As part of the City of Poznan's housing policy, housing projects are implemented to suit various needs so that each person in need of housing support can find something for themselves.

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • Közösségi kertek - a közjó kiemelkedő példái Budapesten

    Budapesten talán a legkönnyebben úgy lehet megértetni az emberekkel, hogyan működik a városi közös munka, ha a közösségi kertekre hivatkozunk, amelyekből több tucatnyi működik a magyar fővárosban.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Community gardens as prime example of commons in Budapest

    The easiest way to make people in Budapest understand how urban common works is perhaps a reference to community gardens of which many dozens operate in the Hungarian capital city.

    Laura Socci

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  • Prázdne budovy možno využívať aj kreatívne: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Ostrava (Česká Republika)

    Takmer v každom európskom meste sa nachádzajú prázdne, dlhodobo nevyužívané nehnuteľnosti, ktoré stratili svoje pôvodné funkčné využitie. Majitelia nemajú dostatok financií na revitalizáciu, nemôžu nehnuteľnosť dobre predať alebo s ňou nemajú plány. Nehnuteľnosti tak zbytočne chátrajú, aj keď by mohli byť dočasne využité pre rôzne účely. Mesto Ostrava ukazuje, ako proces kreatívneho narábania s prázdnymi budovami môže dokonca riadiť samospráva.

    Matus Zak

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  • Cinema Victoria

    Lessons learned from the first co-management experiences in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

    Laura Socci

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  • Les 4 saisons des villes en transition

    Capitale Verte Européenne 2022, la ville de Grenoble vous invite aux 4 saisons des Villes en Transition.

    Mathieu Copere

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