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  • Debating the future of Schiedam

    The future of the city of Schiedam is a recurring topic in the city council and the executive board and, of course, also in the city. These views and discussions have been reflected in the city vision for some time now.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 - PART 2

    In part 2 of What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 we look at the activities of Tourism Friendly Cities, iPlace, RU:RBAN, Global Goals for Cities and the Playful Towns National Practice Transfer Initiative.

    Karl Murphy

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  • The Vilawatt-UTM project starts the Adaptation Period by sharing the urban energy transition experiences from Nagykanizsa

    The third transnational meeting (TM3 – 16-18 November) has once again brought together the partner cities of the Vilawatt UIA-URBACT Transfer Mechanism (Vilawatt-UTM) project online to start the second transfer period, the so-called Adaptation Period.



    Miriam Martín

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  • "Top Tips for a Tech Ecosystem"

     Top Tips for a Tech Ecosystem by Alison Partridge, Ad Hoc URBACT expert

    How can cities support the development of a tech ecosystem? Ceri Batchelder, URBACT expert, shared ten tips of what cities can do. Read them all below!

    Cristina Urizar

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  • Οι πόλεις πρέπει να επανεξετάσουν τις δημόσιες συμβάσεις για μια υγιέστερη οικονομική ανάκαμψη

    Δέκα συμβουλές για στρατηγικές ολοκληρωμένων δημόσιων συμβάσεων που θα βοηθήσουν τις τοπικές οικονομίες να ανακάμψουν ισχυρότερες.


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  • What did the URBACT partners in Ireland get up to in 2021 - PART 1

    It's been another eventful year for Ireland's URBACT networks. They've weathered the changing COVID situations and adapted to implement their actions through a range of virtual and real life solutions. Here's the first part of what's been going on in 2021. This article deals with the activities of Health&Greenspace, ACCESS, Find Your Greatness and Urbsecurity. We'll post a further update discussing Tourism Friendly Cities, iPlace, RU:RBAN, Global Goals for Cities and the Playful Towns National Practice Transfer Initiative very soon!

    Karl Murphy

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