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    Vilawatt disembarks in the Energy Cities Forum and the UIA Just Transitions and Climate Adaptation event

    During the month of April the Vilawatt project has been attending some of the European forums and events on sustainability. 


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  • 9 ways to support sustainable tourism_COVER

    9 ways to support the development of sustainable tourism

    Understanding the focus of the Integrated Action Plans of the Tourism-friendlyCities network.

    Anamaria Vrabie

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  • Megjelent az URBACT 2022-es jelentése a Nemek Közötti Egyenlőséget Támogató Városokról!

    Ajánlások a városok számára a diszkrimináció elleni küzdelem és a nemek közötti egyenlőség előmozdítása érdekében a tömegközlekedéssel, a várostervezéssel, a foglalkoztatással kapcsolatos kérdésekben és egyéb területeken....

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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  • ROOF Final Event in Ghent (BE)

    ROOF: Geïntegreerde oplossingen om dakloosheid te beëindigen.

    In het kader van het URBACT ROOF-netwerk hebben Gent, Luik en zeven andere Europese steden gedurende 30 maanden gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde actieplannen om een einde te maken aan dakloosheid. Het slotevenement van het netwerk op 13 mei was een gelegenheid om op deze ervaring terug te blikken en enkele krachtige boodschappen onder de aandacht te brengen.

    Fabian Massart

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  • URBACT lansează raportul Egalitatea de gen în cadrul orașelor, ediția 2022!

    Raportul prezintă recomandări pentru ca orașele să combată discriminarea și să promoveze egalitatea de gen în transportul public, planificarea urbană, locurile de muncă și multe altele.

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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  • Gender equality

    URBACT releases 2022 Gender Equal Cities report!

    Recommendations for cities to fight discrimination and promote gender equality in public transport, urban planning, jobs, and more…

    Mary Dellenbaugh

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