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  • Jornada 'Por una Economía Circular y Competitiva' en Gavà

    El Ayuntamiento de Gavà acoge los días 1 y 2 de junio la V Edición de las Jornadas de debate 'Por una Economía Circular y Competitiva'.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Il National Urbact Point italiano a Nova Gorica: confronto su esperienze di mobilità urbana sostenibile

    Il National URBACT Point italiano ha partecipato a Nova Gorica all’evento finale del Network Thriving Streets coordinato dalla città di Parma sui cambiamenti degli spazi pubblici legati alla promozione di nuove forme di mobilità sostenibile.


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  • Focus on funding and implementation for EU cities - by Claudio Bordi

    Ad-hoc expert Claudio Bordi explains the most suitable funds for RiConnect projects and how to orient the plans to get the funding, explaining the broad context of European funds and showing resources to find specific funding calls.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Re-humanising cities: new approaches to urban mobility and public space

    How are towns and cities rebuilding streets for people, not cars? Answers in the latest URBACT Walk and Roll Cities webinar…

    Ivan Tosics

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  • Misiunea Uniunii Europene – 100 de Orașe inteligente și neutre din punct de vedere climatic

    Misiunile Uniunii Europene sunt modalități noi de a aduce soluții concrete la unele din cele mai mari provocări ale societății actuale. Sunt îndrăznețe, inspiraționale și urmăresc să fie relevante la scară largă pentru societate.

    Irina Panait

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  • Reflecting on the Resourceful Cities journey to date

    Setting out on this journey over two years ago, we met (most of us) for the first time, in The Hague, in early October 2019. Little did we realise the luxury of that opportunity to meet face to face, to shake hands, embrace, to exchange ideas through post it notes passed freely from one to another, over conversation filled coffee breaks and cosy meals. Not only did we have this luxury once but our second meeting in Mechelen gave us the opportunity to cement strong bonds and trusting relationships that have helped to see us through the many unexpected bumps in the road of our journey ahead.

    Amy Jansen

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