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  • Vasaras podkāsti un publikācijas pilsētu entuziastiem!

    Ir lieliska iespēja ne tikai noklausīties URBACT ekspertu un pilsētu jaunāko informāciju, bet arī izlasīt pieejamas publikācijas par pilsētu attīstības jautājumiem. Iedvesmojies!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • URBACT usnadňuje přenos dobré praxe do měst na národní úrovni

    Operační program URBACT zahájil 5 národních iniciativ, jejichž cílem je šíření dobré praxe na národní úrovni. Města se zkušenostmi získanými v sítích URBACT, předávají svou nabytou dobrou praxi dále do 5-7 měst ve své zemi, která se projektů OP URBACT III doposud neúčastnila. Pomocí tohoto procesu se prověří možnosti, které přenos dobré praxe mezi městy na národní úrovni může přinést.

    Eliska Pilna

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  • USE-IT: A New and Innovative Approach To Regeneration

    Over the course of the last 30 years, cities across Europe have adopted a relatively orthodox approach to regeneration. By developing their city centres physically and by seeking to attract inward investment, cities have assumed that the benefit of such activities will ‘trickle-down’ to neighbourhoods and communities and will contribute towards addressing local economic, social and environmental challenges. However, this approach has not always worked – whilst city economies have continued to grow in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) terms, levels of inequality within cities have increased, and poverty has also continued to grow. This is not what regeneration should be about.

    In 2016, the City of Birmingham (UK) started to think differently to the orthodox approach outlined above and inspired by a desire to change Birmingham’s approach to regeneration and make it more innovative, a small number of individuals came together to develop a successful bid for Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) funding, through a project called USE-IT!. To understand more about USE-IT! and its aims, activities, and impacts, I spoke to some of these key individuals. I also wanted to understand the scope for transfer of USE-IT! to 3 other cities over the coming 18 months as part of the URBACT/UIA USE-IT! Transfer Mechanism (USE-IT! UTM).

    James Carless

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  • Vivi lo spirito etrusco di Perugia, la città della libertà e della pace

    Il Comune di Perugia, con la collaborazione dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Perugia (ABA), sta lavorando al lancio della sua campagna di comunicazione partendo dal concetto di Spirito Etrusco che ha caratterizzato i secoli nella storia, diventando uno stile di vita e di pensiero per tutti i cittadini.


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  • Il patrimonio industriale della stazione ferroviaria come motore della rigenerazione urbana e della coesione sociale a Cesena!

    Per la città di Cesena, KAIRÓS significa una nuova sfida per sperimentare modelli di governance innovativi e processi partecipativi per rigenerare l'area intorno alla stazione ferroviaria adiacente al centro storico, caratterizzata da un alto valore storico grazie alla presenza di edifici industriali originali del '900 e da un alto potenziale di attrattività in quanto punto di accesso e arrivo soprattutto per turisti e studenti.


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  • Fünf Lesetipps für Stadtbegeisterte

    Auf der Suche nach der passenden Sommerlektüre? Lassen Sie sich von den neusten Veröffentlichungen der URBACT-Transfernetzwerke inspirieren!

    Heike Mages

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