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  • Kakve priče o gradu i zgradama pričaju njihovi stanovnici?

    Barok i barokna arhitektura zasigurno su prve asocijacije na Grad Varaždin. Međutim, u projektu "Come in! – kuće koje govore / zajedničke priče“ u kojoj je Varaždin bio projektni partner u URBACT-ovoj mreži za prijenos dobre prakse naglasak je bio na drugom tipu arhitekture i dijelovima grada te na kvartu Đurek koji je nastao prije 60 godina. Đurek je legendarni, radnički dio grada Varaždina u kojem su u početku živjeli uglavnom radnici, a ponajviše oni koji su radili u Varteksu. U sklopu projekta predstavljena je arhitektonska baština Đureka, ali priče njegovih stanovnika i način života ondje.


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  • Learning Log - Toulouse

    Weave a city of collaboration with us. Explore Toulouse's solutions.


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  • Learning Log - Zagreb

    Weave a collaborative city together with us. Explore Zagreb's solutions


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  • Riga: From Refill to ALT/BAU - Temporary use as a tool for reactivating vacant buildings and areas

    ALT/BAU Project Manager Villiams Vrobļevskis shares his personal experiences in two URBACT Networks and how temporary use is applied as a tool for revitalising vacant buildings in Riga in his Transfer Story.


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  • Sistemas Alimentares Urbanos Sustentáveis - junte-se ao movimento URBACT rumo à COP26!

    A alimentação será um tema-chave para o URBACT em 2021 - a perita do programa Marcelline Bonneau diz-nos o que podemos esperar

    Ana Resende

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  • Insights from the URGE network: thematic report

    Insights from the URGE network on the field of circular economy indicators: A framework for better-informed decision making. 

    By Dr. Eleni Feleki, Lead Expert of the URGE Action Planning Network

    City of Utrecht

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