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  • C-Change: The Final Word

    “The climate and ecological crisis is a systemic issue, rooted in global economic, social, cultural and value systems locking in unsustainable consumption, inequality and a disconnection from nature.  

    Policies, technology and investment alone will not be enough to address it - to protect what we love, to survive and to thrive. We need hearts, minds and a shift in our cultural values” 

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Umožnění společné správy v postkomunistickém městě: Příběh z Prešova

    Před zapojením do Sítě přenosu Civic eState si město Prešov neuvědomovalo možnosti, které program URBACT nabízí. Toto slovenské město se do té doby věnovalo projektům založeným na aktivní účasti místních komunit jen v minimální míře. Aktivní účast občanů je však základem projektu, proto místní správní skupina využila příležitost zapojit se do Sítě, aby získala šanci neopakovat chyby a položila tak nové základy pro efektivní spolupráci založenou na osvědčených způsobech participace, které již byly „vyzkoušeny“ v ostatních evropských městech.

    Eliska Pilna

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  • BeePathNet tools for EU cities to evolve into Bee-friendly

    After a two-year journey BeePathNet resulted in successful urban beekeeping development in Amarante (Portugal), Bydgoszcz (Poland), Cesena (Italy), Hegyvidék – XII District of Budapest (Hungary) and Nea Propontida (Greece) due to the transfer of Ljubljana’s BEE PATH good practice. We collected our good practices, innovative events and approaches in the final book, guidelines, newsletters and learning logs, so others can learn from them. The transfer of the BeePathNet initiative to additional four EU cities is URBACT’s special award for our hard work and all the “honey” we put in the preservation of the environment that we share with the bees.


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  • BeePathNet library with thematic newsletters in 7 languages

    The Helsinki Design Ladder, the first time a design ladder of this kind has been applied to an entire city.


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  • Meet the partners: interview with Giorgos Michailidis

    [[{"fid":"44973","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_author[und][0][value]":""},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Giorgos Michailidis","field_author[und][0][value]":""}},"attributes":{"alt":"Giorgos Michailidis","title":"Giorgos Michailidis","height":4322,"width":4322,"style":"margin: 10px; float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px;","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]Kavala, on the Northern coast of Greece, is participating in the URGE network that aims to address some of the local challenges. Kavala through URGE also aspires to become a leader in promoting Circularity on a local level in Greece. Giorgos Michailidis Vice Mayor of Development, Planning, Digital Services and Youth, supervising the overall process from the viewpoint of an elected representative.

    City of Utrecht

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  • ‘Housing First’: como duas cidades URBACT na Bélgica implementam o direito à habitação

    Descubra como duas cidades belgas estão a combater o fenómeno das pessoas sem-abrigo como parte da rede URBACT ROOF

    Ana Resende

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