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  • Del crepúsculo al amanecer: examen de las desigualdades de género en las economías urbanas nocturnas

    El Día Internacional de la Mujer 2024 nos recuerda las desigualdades de género sistémicas de nuestra sociedad. Este artículo arroja luz sobre el papel que desempeñan las ciudades en el fomento de la seguridad, la empleabilidad y la calidad de vida de las mujeres.


    Este artículo es una traducción del original "From dusk till dawn: examining gender inequalities in urban nighttime economies" escrito por Simone d'Antonio y publicado en la web de URBACT el 6 de marzo de 2024

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • URBACT GenProcure present at the Procura+ conference

    URBACT GenProcure at the Procura+ conference


    The GenProcure Network is in the process of developing Integrated Action Plans for each of the nine partner cities. Gender Responsive Public Procurement is a strategic approach that aims to create synergies between two seemingly disparate worlds: gender equality and public procurement. The GenProcure network seeks to promote specific training, awareness-raising actions, and public procurement processes that include social criteria, most notably around addressing inequality. The network aims to change the culture surrounding these two topics.


    Edgar Azevedo

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  • CAD_article_5_edited

    Od mraka do zore: neenakosti med spoloma v nočnem gospodarstvu

    Mednarodni dan žensk 2024 nas opozarja na sistemsko neenakost med spoloma v naši družbi. Ta članek osvetljuje vlogo mest pri spodbujanju varnosti, zaposljivosti in kakovosti življenja žensk.


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  • Berane Municipality presented the ECONNECTING network to the Montenegrin Minister of European Affairs

    Mariachiara Di Tella

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  • Vebinārs "Iepazīstot mikromobilitāti: tiešsaistes seminārs par iešanu, riteņbraukšanu un aktīvo mobilitāti"

    2024. gada 13. martā no 10.00 līdz 13.10 PUMA tīkls organizē tiešsaistes vebināru par mikromobilitāti angļu valodā.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • CAD_article_5_edited

    From dusk till dawn: examining gender inequalities in urban nighttime economies

    International Women’s Day 2024 reminds us of the systemic gender inequalities in our society. This article sheds light on the role cities play in promoting safety, employability and quality of life for women.

    Simone d'Antonio

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