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  • „Green line” projekt egy zöldebb Besztercéért

    Az elmúlt 10 évben Beszterce városában az autók növekvő számának és a közúti forgalom erősödésének köszönhetően az utakon lévő torlódások egyre gyakoribbá váltak. Ez a közlekedés okozta légszennyezés növekedéséhez és a parkolóhelyek túlzsúfoltságához vezetett. Ennek ellenére a városi tömegközlekedés továbbra is fontos szerepet játszik a városok fejlődésében, megkönnyítve a lakosság munkához és szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférését.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Labour market segregation - Men in nursing

    As our second speaker for our March master class session on Labour market segregation, we had invited Dr. Marci Cottingham from the university of Amsterdam to speak about her research on men in nursing and care professions.


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  • URBACT’s strategic procurement knowledge at the click of a button!

    It’s never too late to access and use the information provided in URBACT’s online course.


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  • Final Conference Recording

    Watch the full Making Spend Matter Final Conference!

    Alison Taylor

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  • Learning cities, the value of cooperation. Transfer Story from Syracuse

    It was a spring morning and I was cycling via Malta to Ortigia when I saw a beautiful building, clearly a work of industrial archaeology, and I wondered what it was about. I had recently moved to Syracuse and everything was new and waiting to be discovered. The building was not yet open to the public, but the person I asked for information told me that it was the Urban Center, a recovered space to become an innovative interface between administration and community, a space open to the city, where citizens can explore urban, environmental and social policies, a place for promotion, sharing, planning, socialization. I have a vivid memory of the emotion I felt admiring the building and listening to this passionate and visionary story. I imagined a social and cultural ferment, a physical place where people, stories, needs, experiences, knowledge, projects, activities meet to design together a new way of living the city.


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  • Η σκιαγράφηση του οράματος εκπροσώπων πόλεων - σειρά συνεντεύξεων στο πλαίσιο του δικτύου URBACT KAIRÓS- η περίπτωση της Μούλα (Mula), Ισπανία

    Join us in Brussels on 13 June to learn about how urban challenges can find a solution in the fringe of city centres.


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