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  • Reforçar os ecossistemas alimentares locais: uma receita para o sucesso?

    Descubra como as cidades URBACT estão a usar a alimentação sustentável e a agricultura urbana para lidar com uma série de desafios locais.

    Ana Resende

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  • Save The Date...

    Do you want to know how public spend can help building stronger communities?

    Alison Taylor

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  • Mesta mestom: Sopotništvo v Kočevju

    Dostopnost do javnih storitev je ena od osnovnih človekovih pravic. A razpršena poselitev na podeželju in pomanjkanje kakovostne mreže javnega potniškega prometa pomenita, da so prizadeti predvsem starejši, ki lahko postanejo izolirani in osamljeni. Leta 2014 je bil ustanovljen Zavod Sopotniki, ki nudi brezplačne prevoze za starejše na podeželju, s čimer vključuje starostnike v aktivno družbeno življenje in spodbuja medgeneracijsko solidarnost.


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  • Become a virtual Groninger – play the game

    Partner city Groningen introduces online introduction game for international students

    Our partner cities all aim to attract international students and expats to their cities. In times of the COVID-19 crisis, this may be even a more challenging task: international students are more uncertain about their studies abroad and if it is wise to go live in another country. Groningen therefore has developed a new online game: ‘Become a virtual Groninger’ to attract and introduce internationals to their future home.

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • First steps and projects of collaboration happening: Exhibition „Quarantine“ in Dubrovnik

    URBACT „Active NGOs“ project in Dubrovnik started with the idea of bettering the communication and collaboration between various public and civil actors that are engaged in public-civil partnerships and are dealing with the topic of participatory governance, especially in the forms of cultural and social centers. One of the goals was made specifically in bettering the communication and collaboration between the Platform for Lazareti located in the quarantine complex Lazareti and Youth Center Dubrovnik. Such collaboration and crossover happened during the beginning of September 2020!


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  • First steps and projects of collaboration happening: Exhibition „Quarantine“ in Dubrovnik

    URBACT „Active NGOs“ project in Dubrovnik started with the idea of bettering the communication and collaboration between various public and civil actors that are engaged in public-civil partnerships and are dealing with the topic of participatory governance, especially in the forms of cultural and social centers. One of the goals was made specifically in bettering the communication and collaboration between the Platform for Lazareti located in the quarantine complex Lazareti and Youth Center Dubrovnik. Such collaboration and crossover happened during the beginning of September 2020!


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