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  • Piraeus: What Barnsley did, now what we'll do

    The team at Piraeus have provided two fantastic infographics to show what Barnsley has done to creat success and what they will learn and apply to achieve success in their city. 

    Matthew Snowden

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  • Five ways to promote an integrated approach in your city

    Lessons from the URBACT City Lab #3 focused on the principle of integration.

    Eddy Adams

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  • A Peruvian delegation visits Rome to experience the city’s urban agriculture policies and strategies

    A delegation of Mayors from the Junin district in Peru visited Rome and the Metropolitan area of Rome from 6th to 8th November 2019, meeting with Rome’s ULG members in occasion of the city’s 5th URBACT ULG meeting to jointly observe experiences of social inclusion, urban agriculture, green and circular economy, as well as how agricultural activities are being integrated within urban contexts in Rome. The purpose of their visit was to explore possible means of cooperation with the European Union in the fields of innovative agriculture and tourism. The Peruvian delegation traveled to Rome in representation of a commonwealth of 26 municipalities situated in Peru’s agricultural central Amazon area, the Mancomunidad Municipal por la integración de Sierra y Selva, with the goal to launch a virtuous process of sustainable development in their territory thanks to cooperation with the EU.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • A day in Rotterdam

    By Jochem H. Cooiman, Municipality of Rotterdam

    In 10-11 October took place in Rotterdam our Third Transnational Meeting. What struck us in Rotterdam is how innovation has entered the DNA of the municipality itself, which has shaped the organisation of work spaces and human resources by adopting the concepts of lean organisation and flexible working. That is the reason why we asked Jochem H. Cooiman, Strategic Advisor on Innovation, to describe it to us, and here is the result... enjoy reading!

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Awareness raising in the anthropocene: defending the bees is defending ourselves.

    Human activities, especially in this current era (anthropocene era), result in over exploitation of natural resources, destruction of natural habitats, the massive use of chemicals… Though it is also in human reach, that is in our heads and hands, to do otherwise. In this article the city of Cesena, one of five BeePathNet partners, is presenting their good practices on awareness raising using several instruments and tools to address different groups such as farmers, citizens, children as well as to launch a “bee friendly” vision of the city.


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  • Making integrated urban development more manageable

    How can cities improve their plans for integrated urban development?

    Ed Thorpe

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