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  • 2020, what we’ll be looking out for

    The URBACT Programme Experts share their thoughts and expectations.


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  • Finding the silver lining in empty heritage: tales of temporary use

    In Ostrava (CZ) and Caen (FR), URBACT’s temporary use legacy lives on, creating new opportunities.

    Amy Labarrière

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  • L'Hospitalet: spreading the use of art as a tool for social cohesion all over Europe

    Suite au report des nouveaux appels à réseau de planification d’action URBACT IV, nous déplaçons notre Infoday à janvier 2023. D'ici là, vous pouvez assister à l'Infosession organisée par le URBACT Secretariat le 11 octobre dans le cadre de l'European Week of Regions and Cities 2022.


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  • And the winners in Turin are…

    The five projects proposed by the civil servants have been awarded on the 16th December 

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • A-CHANGE, the Festival of Good Practices: RU:RBAN was there

    The Vivere in…Onlus Association, that manages the urban garden Park Ort9-Sergio Albani in Rome, participated in the A-Change - Festival of Good Practices which took place in Feltre on 22-23-24 November 2019. The Festival counted on the sponsorship and collaboration of the Municipality of Feltre and, above all, on the collaboration of the population.  

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • 2019 URBACT Highlights

    Gender Equal Cities, New Action Planning Networks, Contribution for a refreshed Leipzig Charter: a year at full speed! 


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