Národný kontaktný bod URBACT Slovensko je od septembra 2024 súčasťou MIRRI SR
Od 1. septembra 2024 sa program URBACT (Národný kontaktný bod URBACT pre Slovensko) stáva súčasťou veľkej rodiny programov nadnárodnej spolupráce Ministerstva investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie Slovenskej republiky.
From a comprehensive blue and green infrastructure strategy to action plans supporting urban biodiversity specifically
BiodiverCity case study inspired by Limerick (Ireland)
Limerick, the Green Leaf City
Preparing for the 2020 Green Leaf Award (the city’s commitment to better environmental outcomes was awarded by the competition aimed at cities and towns across Europe, with populations between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants) inspired Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) to make a Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy (GBI, 2023). It includes a range of actions to work with communities to contribute towards opportunities to conserve and enhance biodiversity and inform policy. This comprehensive GBI strategy was analysed in detail by the BiodiverCity partnership in June 2024, and they have found that a comprehensive strategy on green and blue infrastructure is key, simply because it sets the scene for several new policies targeting green infrastructure (e.g. on trees) and biodiversity. Let’s see how Limerick works in this field!
The first intergenerational BiodiverCity festival in Poljcane was organised on 6 th June 2024 together with the local elderly association, kindergarten and primary school. The location of the festival was carefully selected; thus, it was carried out under the hayrack near the Dravinja River.
Devět evropských měst je průkopníky v oblasti správy udržitelného rozvoje, aby odstranily nedostatky v plnění Cílů udržitelného rozvoje OSN (SDGs). Jedním z těchto průkopníků je i české město Jablonec nad Nisou.