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  • objava

    Održan webinar: Gradovi za priuštivo stanovanje

    Udruga gradova u svojstvu kontakt točke za programe URBACT i Europska urbana inicijativa organizirala je webinar na temu priuštivog stanovanja. Webinar održan u srijedu 17. srpnja, ispitao je kako URBACT i Europska urbana inicijativa pružaju podršku gradovima u području politika priuštivog stanovanja, a predstavljen je i konkretan primjer stambenih mjera Grada Dubrovnika. Donosimo snimku webinara i prezentacije u nastavku.

    Lucija Jusup

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  • the baseline of a baseball field

    Understanding S.M.ALL: our first quarterly report

    The first three months of implementation meant a lot for the S.M.ALL network, setting up the humus to let the seeds of inclusive and sustainable urban planning flourish. This Quarterly Report highlights progress and challenges, questions and answers that emerged in the path.

    Erica Bisetto

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  • Entrepreneurship - a gender issue in Sweden

    Rosalie Lakatos

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  • People taking agreements around a table

    Funding the "30-minutes city"


    ECONNECTING network is developing Integrated Action Plans (IAPs) focusing on sustainable urban-rural mobility solutions within the 30-minute territory. To actualize this vision, cities need to secure the right resources and develop a strategic mindset for "Funding the 30-Minute Territory."


    Miguel Sousa

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  • 249 Buenas Prácticas presentadas en el marco de la convocatoria URBACT 2024

    184 ciudades aprovecharon la oportunidad para compartir lo que hacen bien con la esperanza de recibir la etiqueta de Buenas Prácticas URBACT.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • URBACT-Good-Practice-Call: 249 gute Stadtentwicklungs-Maßnahmen eingereicht

    184 europäische Städte nutzten die Chance ihre vorbildhafte Stadtentwicklungs-Maßnahme bekannt zu machen und bewarben sich auf die Auszeichnung als URBACT-Good-Practice.

    Lilian Krischer

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