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  • The bird-watching station

    The bird-watching station 🐦 with an experiential platform is an educational and pedagogical structure along the Dravinja Learning Path, which is part of the Municipality of Poljčane's vision towards biodiversity development (BiodiverCity). 🌳 The bird-watching station is a charming outdoor classroom with partially obscured views of the surrounding nature. 🐝 In the series of wooden slats, designed to resemble riverbank reeds, there are interactive didactic tools for learning through play. 🤓 On the platform, elevated above the Dravinja floodplain, there are thematic carousels about animals and plants along the river, which rhythmically continue into the bird-watching station and culminate in an imaginary riverbed. 🦋 Learning through play during a pleasant walk in nature attracts both the young and the young at heart to explore and observe the world around them.

    András Merza

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  • LET'S GO CIRCULAR! site visit at CleanR in Riga

    Tech and creativity in the circular economy

    The ten partner cities of LET'S GO CIRCULAR! are planning their actions and taking step by step - on their journey towards circularity, paving the way for further European cities. In spring and summer 2024 two more transnational  exchange meetings - in Riga and Oulu -  provided insights into urban strategies, digital tools, business models and examples.

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • Βρίσκεται το μοντέλο της συμπαγούς πόλης σε κίνδυνο;

    Τρία Δίκτυα Σχεδιασμού Δράσεων του προγράμματος URBACT (2019-2022) ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους για να μοιραστούν έμπνευση, γνώσεις και χρήσιμες πρακτικές σχετικά με την ποιοτική αναβάθμιση της βιωματικής εμπειρίας των πόλεων καθώς και της βελτίωσης των καθημερινών μετακινήσεων εντός του αστικού ιστού.


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  • Nova Presidência do Conselho da UE: A Hungria revela as suas prioridades em matéria de políticas urbanas

    A Presidência Húngara do Conselho da UE já começou. Descubra quais as prioridades das políticas urbanas que estão na agenda até dezembro de 2024.

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • Innovative tools and methods to foster sustainable and biodiverse maintenance of public green areas

    Increasing the size and improving the quality of urban green spaces is an utmost priority of all European cities in the shadow of the ecological crisis. This is also required by the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the related Nature Restoration Law.

    Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz

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  • The Cities@Heart Network in Barcelos, Portugal

    Diving into planning—the second Cities@Heart Quarterly Report

    The second quarterly report of the Cities@Heart network covers significant progress and initiatives in revitalising city centres, focusing on a wide range of topics such as heritage, culture or technology. The report highlights the ongoing efforts and insights gained from collaborations aimed at fostering vibrant and sustainable city centres. Taking a pragmatic approach, the report presents practical strageties city stakeholders can impliment to improve the vitality of urban centres

    Santamaria-Varas Mar

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