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  • Event

    EU City Lab on Funding the Energy Transition

    Join us in Bucharest to learn how to unlock funding opportunity for the energy transition in cities and foster more sustainable urban practices!



  • International Biodiversity Day Celebrated in Sarajevo: Interactive Lecture, Planting, and Intergenerational Gathering

    Sarajevo, May 22, 2024 – As part of the Urbact program and the "BiodiverCity" project, sponsored by the European Union, the City of Sarajevo organized the celebration of International Biodiversity Day. The event took place at the School for Vocational Education and Training, Azize Šaćirbegović 80, and gathered a large number of participants, including the ULG coordinator, ULG members, employees of the Sarajevo City Sustainable Development Service, the Center for Healthy Aging, school students, and citizens.

    András Merza

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  • Small Scale Co-creation Action in Kavala, Greece

    How can municipalities be facilitators of local green transition? 💚 🌱 🏙 

    ".. There are no linear processes when municipalities function as facilitators instead of doers and co-create with local residents..." 

    Meet our partner IO CHATZIVARYTI from the Municipality of Kavala, who talks about the co-creation process of transforming an unused and unsafe park into a cozy meeting place for the local community's green activities and gatherings.

    The URBACT network COPE consists of 8 European municipalities, working to engage the local community in the green transition. 

    COPE has just held the third network meeting - this time we were in Kavala, Greece, where we learned more about how the Municipality of Kavala is working to engage the local community in the green transition. It was a very inspiring and educational trip for all partners. 💪 

    Watch the video and read more on https://lnkd.in/d6baqfPZ 

    Rannvá Pállson Joensen

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  • The bird-watching station

    The bird-watching station 🐦 with an experiential platform is an educational and pedagogical structure along the Dravinja Learning Path, which is part of the Municipality of Poljčane's vision towards biodiversity development (BiodiverCity). 🌳 The bird-watching station is a charming outdoor classroom with partially obscured views of the surrounding nature. 🐝 In the series of wooden slats, designed to resemble riverbank reeds, there are interactive didactic tools for learning through play. 🤓 On the platform, elevated above the Dravinja floodplain, there are thematic carousels about animals and plants along the river, which rhythmically continue into the bird-watching station and culminate in an imaginary riverbed. 🦋 Learning through play during a pleasant walk in nature attracts both the young and the young at heart to explore and observe the world around them.

    András Merza

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  • LET'S GO CIRCULAR! site visit at CleanR in Riga

    Tech and creativity in the circular economy

    The ten partner cities of LET'S GO CIRCULAR! are planning their actions and taking step by step - on their journey towards circularity, paving the way for further European cities. In spring and summer 2024 two more transnational  exchange meetings - in Riga and Oulu -  provided insights into urban strategies, digital tools, business models and examples.

    Larissa Kiesel

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  • Βρίσκεται το μοντέλο της συμπαγούς πόλης σε κίνδυνο;

    Τρία Δίκτυα Σχεδιασμού Δράσεων του προγράμματος URBACT (2019-2022) ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους για να μοιραστούν έμπνευση, γνώσεις και χρήσιμες πρακτικές σχετικά με την ποιοτική αναβάθμιση της βιωματικής εμπειρίας των πόλεων καθώς και της βελτίωσης των καθημερινών μετακινήσεων εντός του αστικού ιστού.


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