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  • A group of people standing in front of the tram depot building

    Focus on Circular Economies and Governance

    The 4th meeting of the international partners within "Green Place, Let's Do It Together" network, took place in Bucharest, on June 18th and 19th. It was focused on integrated sustainable urban development strategies and emphasizing the pivotal role of circular economies in contemporary urban planning and development. This Core Network Meeting was also aimed at gathering feedback and drawing on the visiting partners’ relevant experience. The meeting was also followed by an insightful study visit on June 20th, focused on exploring the most relevant urban regeneration projects of formal industrial infrastructures in Bucharest.

    Overall, these activity packed days have provided a much needed and robust platform for knowledge exchange and debate among the international project partners and local stakeholders. 

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • Zapíšte si dátum podujatia URBACT City Festival v roku 2025!

    Mesto Vroclav v Poľsku bude od 8. do 10.  apríla 2025 hostiť podujatie URBACT City Festival. 

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Halten Sie sich den Termin für das URBACT City Festival im Jahr 2025 frei!

    Das URBACT City Festival wird diesmal von der URBACT-Stadt Wrocław (Breslau) in Polen ausgerichtet und findet von 8. bis 10. April 2025 statt.

    Martina Bach

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  • Event
    Resilience en action


    Le point de contact EUI-URBACT organise une conférence thématique le 20 novembre prochain qui aura pour titre : «  Résilience en Action : comment l’Union Européenne aide à construire des espaces urbains durables  ». 


    Fabian Massart
  • Event
    Resilience in action NL


    De EUI + URBACT-contactpunten organiseren op 20 november een thematische conferentie getiteld "Resilience in actie: Hoe de Europese Unie leefbare stedelijke gebieden vormgeeft".


    Reserveer alvast deze datum in uw agenda voor het evenement, dat in Brussel zal plaatsvinden. Op het programma staat een presentatie van concrete projecten die tot stand zijn gekomen dankzij Europese steun voor duurzame stadsontwikkeling. 


    Fabian Massart
  • Napovedujemo URBACT Festival mest 2025!

    Naslednji URBACT Festival mest bo gostil Vroclav na Poljskem, odvijal pa se bo od 8. do 10. aprila 2025.


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