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  • Reserve a data do URBACT City Festival em 2025!

    O URBACT City Festival será organizado por Wroclaw, cidade URBACT na Polónia, e terá lugar durante três dias - de 8 a 10 de abril de 2025.

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • Pievienojies m[u]ms: URBACT un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas programmu trešajai ES Pilsētas Laboratorijai par vietējo pārtikas sistēmu!

    Pievienojies mums Milānā, lai uzzinātu, kā pilsētas var izmantot ilgtspējīgākas vietējās pārtikas sistēmas kopā ar dažādas zemes izmantošanas stratēģijām! 


    ES Pilsētu Laboratorija par vietējo pārtikas sistēmu ir zināšanu apmaiņas pasākums, ko kopīgi organizē URBACT un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīva ar Itālijas uzņemošās pašvaldības Milānas atbalstu. Pasākums norisināsies no 2024. gada 23. līdz 24. oktobrim.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Event

    EU City Lab sulle Strategie Territoriali per Alimentare la Città

    Unisciti a noi a Milano per scoprire come le ci

  • Source: Cascina Linterno City of Milan, Food Policy department.

    Get a taste of the next EU City Lab in Milan: The role of cities in making land available and accessible

    Milan will serve the third course of the EU City Labs on Local Food Systems on 23-24 October. Reserve your spot and find out more about sustainable land-use strategies to feed the city.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Romania: The Role of RDCC in Shaping the Tech Ecosystem

    In today’s fast-paced digital world, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is more critical than ever for the growth and sustainability of businesses, particularly in the tech sector. The Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce (RDCC) has taken a leading role in integrating these values across Romania's business landscape. By supporting both startups and established companies, RDCC provides tools, resources, and opportunities to ensure that underrepresented groups have a strong presence and equal opportunities in the tech ecosystem. Through various initiatives, the RDCC is helping build a more inclusive future in the technology industry.

    Harry Kalliaras

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  • SAVE THE DATE: URBACT City Festival 2025 se blíží!

    Po nezapomenutelné tři dny od 8. do 10. dubna 2025 budou naši polští sousedé ve Wroclawi hostit další URBACT City Festival!

    Markéta Horská

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