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  • Operačný program URBACT uľahčuje prenos osvedčených postupov do miest lokalizovaných v tej istej krajine!

    Operačný program URBACT spustil 5 národných iniciatív na prenos príkladov dobrej praxe, ktoré majú otestovať prenos osvedčených postupov v mestách v tej istej krajine.

  • Az URBACT városok összefognak a globális fenntarthatóság érdekében

    Az új URBACT hálózat célja, hogy irányt mutasson a városoknak az ENSZ Fenntartható Fejlődési Céljai (SDG) tekintetében. Nézzük meg, miért is fontos ez.
    Az ENSZ Fenntartható Fejlődési Céljai (a

  • Проект на Програма УРБАКТ за периода 2021-2027 г.

    Обществено обсъждане на програмата за периода 2021-2027 г.


  • The Transfer Story of Magdeburg

    Transfer Stories will tell the journey our partners had during the Welcoming International Talent project. Each city had its own challenges, and transfered the good practice in its own way. These

  • Social cohesion

    Nine ways cities can become more just and inclusive

    These local actions for a fairer society are inspiring cities across the EU. Could they work in your city too?

  • Barcelona Metropolitan Area

    The Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Lead Partner of the RiConnect network, is developing a forward-thinking vision for a more equal and sustainable metropolis. To do so, acting in mobility infrastructure

  • A Salerno la presentazione dei risultati di BluAct: economia del mare e sviluppo sostenibile

    Il legame tra i temi dell’ ‘economia del mare’ e la partecipazione civica attraverso il metodo Urbact. Questo il focus dell’evento che si è svolto sabato 17 luglio a Salerno nel corso del quale sono

  • Inscríbete en las Jornadas URBACT "Transferencias Urbanas" (7 y 8 de septiembre en Madrid)

    Los próximos días 7 y 8 de septiembre organizamos en Madrid unas nuevas jornadas a escala nacional de ‘Transferencias Urbanas’ como parte del periodo de intercambio de resultados y aprendizajes (Time