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    "The Urban Industry 4.0 Talent Ecosystem: 7 Challenges"

    "The Urban Industry 4.0 Talent Ecosystem: 7 Challenges" by Willem van Winden, URBACT Lead Expert

    In many European cities, manufacturing industries are still important drivers of their economy. But the

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    URBACT-Air: Ταξιδεύοντας με πιλότο το URBACT

    Τη νέα αυτή χρονιά που αποτελεί και το κλείσιμο της τρέχουσας προγραμματικής περιόδου για το URBACT 2014-2020, με κοινό παρονομαστή τη διαφύλαξη της δημόσιας υγείας και την τήρηση των μέτρων

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    W obliczu pandemii COVID-19 Lexit zapewnia lepszą ochronę turystyki i biznesu

    Po tym jak życie społeczne i gospodarcze w Finlandii zostało, tak jak w innych częściach świata, poważnie dotknięte przez epidemię koronawirusa, projekt Lexit w Laponii zmniejsza negatywny wpływ

  • Articles

    Why should we all eat organic?

    Why should we all consume more organic products? Together with the French researcher and expert Denis Lairon, we have discussed the main benefits of organic on human health as well as its impact on

  • Articles

    When is a Wasteland? A Critical Understanding of Infrastructure and Residual Spaces - by Brian Rosa

    Urban peripheries in Europe tend to be disorderly landscapes, and the overlay of infrastructures often create areas depicted as ‘wastelands’. In this article, Brian Rosa reflects on the definition of

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    Hacking our cities and testing our ideas – reflecting on 2021 in the iPlace Project

    Sometimes the restrictions that limit our way of working can be turned into a positive. The ten cities who are partners in URBACT’s iPlace Project set themselves the task of giving their citizens the

  • Articles

    Vilawatt UTM Learning Webinars - How to convince citizens and companies in the city to be more efficient in their energy use

    In the last Vilawatt UTM webinar, the partner cities had the opportunity to discuss another of the fundamental issues for the transfer process of the Vilawatt Innovative Practice in depth: How to

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    Πώς τα ΠΟΠ και τα ΠΓΕ μπορούν να ανεβάσουν το επίπεδο του πρωτογενή τομέα της Ελλάδας (το παράδειγμα της Λάρισας και της Θεσσαλίας)

    Τα τελευταία χρόνια, στην εποχή της παγκοσμιοποίησης των αγορών, η σήμανση των γεωργικών προϊόντων αφορά όλο και μεγαλύτερο εύρος προϊόντων, παραγωγών και δικτύων πωλήσεων. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, ιδιαίτερη

  • Astoņi aizraujoši URBACT uzlabojumi, kas plānoti 2022. gadā!

    Kamēr URBACT gatavojas uzņemt vairākas daudzveidīgākas pilsētas, kādus svarīgākos notikumus mēs varam sagaidīt programmas nākamajā gadā?