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    The Playful Paradigm is ON AIR! Listen to our Network's podcast series

    Are you a policy-maker or an urban practitioner looking for ideas to enable enjoyable co-created cities? Games and gamification are innovative tools to address the challenges of urbanization, health

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    Ir izsludināts konkurss: Pārneses tīklu otrais vilnis

    Izmantojiet URBACT metodi, lai izprastu, pielāgotu un atkārtoti izmantotu Labo praksi, kas tika pārbaudīta pārneses tīklu (Transfer Network) pirmajā konkursā!

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    BSC Kranj v omrežju FOOD CORRIDORS

    Eden od petih slovenskih partnerjev v URBACT akcijskih omrežjih je tudi BSC Kranj, ki sodeluje v omrežju FOOD CORRIDORS. Gorenjska ni popoln novinec v programu URBACT, saj je bila leta 2017 nagrajena

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    Urban Sustainable Food systems – join URBACT’s movement towards COP26!

    Food will be a key thematic topic for URBACT in 2021 – Programme Expert Marcelline Bonneau tells us what to expect.

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    Visions from the City Representatives - the KAIRÓS interview series by Lead Expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects requiring significant investment. Political backing and direction are therefore key to attract resources and align necessary contributors

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    Science and Innovation Centre “VIZIUM”

    Author - Zanete Mertena, Ventspils Digital Centre

    A new Science and Innovation Centre “VIZIUM”

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    Author: Ortansa Albu Department of Foreign Affairs -City Hall of Botoșani - Romania

    People who come visit us in Botoșani they say about our town it is a quiet city with a special charm, a place waiting

  • OPROEP VOOR PILOTPROJECTEN: Transfernetwerken- Tweede golf

    Gebruik de URBACT Methode om de Good Practices die in de eerste ronde van Transfer Networks zijn getest te begrijpen, aan te passen en opnieuw in te zetten!