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    Einladung zum URBACT City Festival 2025 in Breslau.

    Save the date - URBACT City Festival 2025

    Vom 8. bis zum 10. April 2025 lädt Wroclaw (dt. Breslau) als Gastgeberstadt zum dreitägigen URBACT City Festival ein. 

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    citizens and officials gather to explore their appetite for participation

    Citizens and Officials Explore Their 'appetite' for Participation Working Together with the Genk habits

    How do you stimulate and create a participative mindset in your city organization? It is a process in which every step forward and every additional employee is to be celebrated, and learning

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    EU City Lab i Bukarest-Funding the Energy Transition

    I Bukarest ges möjligheten att lära om finansieringsmöjligheter för städers energiomställning. 

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    Testing Action Held in Dunaújváros

    On Wednesday, a testing action took place in Dunaújváros under the framework of the Bidovercity URBACT project. As part of this initiative, we held educational sessions for two kindergartens, focusing

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    Photos : ANCT

    Consultation sur l’avenir de la politique de cohésion post-2027 : les jeunes ont aussi leur mot à dire !

    Avez-vous envie d’apprendre et de profiter des échanges que votre ville réalise avec d’autres villes ? Qu’aimez-vous dans votre ville qui peut être une source d’apprentissage pour d’autres ? Les
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    10 Exciting Things about S.M.ALL's European Mobility Week 2024

    European Mobility Week 2024 - 16-21 September - came alive in the partner cities of the URBACT S.M.ALL project, promoting sustainable transportation and vibrant communities. 

    Here are ten engaging

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    Hur kan städer arbeta för hållbara lokala livsmedelssystem genom strategier för markanvändning?

    EU City Lab om lokala livsmedelssystem är ett kunskapsutbyte som arrangeras av URBACT och European Urban Initiative (EUI), med stöd från värdkommunen Milano (Italien), den 23 till 24 oktober 2024.

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    DIGI-INCLUSION rīcības plānošanas tīkla dalībnieki paraksta kopīgu politisko deklarāciju par apņemšanos veicināt digitālo iekļaušanu

    2024. gada 24. septembrī visi deviņi URBACT IV programmas projekta DIGI-INCLUSION partneri parakstīja politisko nodomu deklarāciju par digitālajām tiesībām, lai veicinātu digitālo iekļaušanu savās