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  • Vilawatt UTM Learning Webinars - Energy Communities: a joint response to a global problem

    Vilawatt-URBACT partner cities met again for a new learning webinar to find out more about Energy Communities and their possible relationship with one of the Vilawatt project's pillars: the co

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    Bistrita's Summer 'Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign'

    The Small-Scale Action carried out by the Municipality of Bistrita refers to a “Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign”, trying to encourage citizens to use sustainable alternative means of transport, to

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    Ozalj best practices on meaningful participation

    The city of Ozalj was the co-host of the 4th Transnational Meeting which was held virtually between 24-26 November 2021 along with Manresa and Glasgow. Our main theme was Meaningful participation and

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    Oulu näyttää mallia digitaalisten palvelujen kehittämisessä

    URBACT-ohjelman DigiPlace -hankkeessa edistetään digitaalisia ratkaisuja pienissä ja keskisuurissa kaupungeissa. Ratkaisuja haetaan hankkeeseen osallistuvien kaupungin omista lähtökohdista ja

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    Resourceful Cities : lokale dynamiek, mondiale gevolgen.

    De circulaire economie staat vandaag centraal in het Belgische en Europese overheidsbeleid. Het wordt gezien als een potentiële vector voor industriële herontwikkeling en als een sleutelsector voor

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    Focus on Braga (PT) - The house that gives back the hope for a better life

    In the scope of Braga's Integrated Action Plan, Braga Municipality is developing the House of Skills, a project that aims to create an innovative transitional housing solution to integrate homeless

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    Ako prispôsobiť verejné obstarávanie miestnym potrebám: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Preston (Spojené kráľovstvo)

    V roku 2011 sa hospodárska situácia v meste Preston neuberala práve pozitívnym smerom. Z uvedeného dôvodu mestská rada pristúpila k rôznym pokusom na opätovné zvýšenie spoločenského

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    Cities, energy and children: the future of our planet!

    Urb-En Pact (urban energy pact) is an URBACT network that gathers 8 european cities with the same objective : becoming a net-zero energy territory by 2050. The method used to do so is simple

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    #Budaörs4CSR: köz- és magánszféra együttműködése egy zöldebb városért

    A magyarországi Budaörs városa a CITIES4CSR hálózat egyik partnervárosa

    A kontextus

    Budaörs egy dinamikusan fejlődő, jó hangulatú, festői környezetben fekvő kisváros a Budai-hegység déli peremén. A