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  • Articles

    Neva Pipan: »Vedno znova se postavim v vlogo občana in izhajam iz tega, kaj občan potrebuje, kako razmišlja.«

    Neva Pipan je od leta 2019 zaposlena v kabinetu mariborskega župana kot koordinatorka aktivnosti Izboljšajmo Maribor, kjer pokriva tudi področje, povezano s pobudami občanov. Socialna delavka po

  • CO4CITIES Fourth Transnational meeting, Cluj-Napoca, February 22-23, 2022

    Cluj-Napoca hosted the fourth Transnational Meeting on February, 22nd and 23rd 2022

  • The KAIRÓS journey continues: International meeting Mula

    Now that the KAIRÓS journey is almost coming to an end, it is time to gather the achievements and refine the final outputs.

  • The KAIRÓS Project is here to stay – by Anke van Wijck, Project Coordinator

    In Mula several strands of action will ensure the continuity of the KAIRÓS objectives long after the closure of the actual project.

  • Articles

    FOCUS ON: Trapani - about the city

    The latest in our series of Focus On's is the city of Trapani.  Located in on the north-west coast of Sicily; Trapani is certainly the southernmost of our 4 partner cities and probably the least well

  • Torino (IT) - Fifth ULG Meeting, March 17 2022

    The fifth Urbact Local Group (ULG) of Turin took place on 17 march 2022 at Beeozanam Community Hub, via Foligno 14.

  • Articles

    URBACT en en IX Pleno de la Red de Iniciativas Urbanas

    El jueves 7 de abril se celebra el IX Pleno de la Red de Iniciativas Urbanas (RIU) que aglutina a las ciudades y a los organismos públicos vinculados a los tres grandes programas europeos DUS del 2014


    We are all familiar with mid-term reports, evaluation and progress reports, spreadsheets and all relevant tools available to measure results and overall completion of expected activities. There is

  • Działania na małą skalę: innowacje URBACT pomagają miastom eksperymentować z lokalnymi rozwiązaniami

    Od organizowania zebrań wspólnot lokalnych do zielonych ścieżek spacerowych, działania w małej skali wspierają kształtowanie polityki miejskie w Unii Europejskiej.