• Celebrating World Bee Day 2022 under the motto “Bee Engaged: Celebrating the diversity of bees and beekeeping systems”

    On the 20th of May we are celebrating the World Bee Day round the globe. It is taking place on international level at FAO and Apimondia with partners (see more), within 115 countries that, in addition to Slovenia, supported nomination of that day, and hopefully also in your city!

    Five BeePathNet Reloaded partner cities are organising celebrations. Go to exhibitions, join workshops, take a walk or just plant a flower in your garden. See detailed programmes of inspiring activities that will take place:


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  • Visions from the City Representatives - Marek Charzewski, Mayor of Malbork by lead expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects, requiring significant investment and stakeholder mobilisation. In this endeavour, political backing and direction are key. The KAIRÓS interview series, conducted by the network lead expert Miguel Rivas, targets Mayors and Elected Representatives from the KAIRÓS partner cities.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Võru - boosting urban development by defining the attractiveness of the city

    Võru is one of the 8 European cities that participates in the "Find Your Greatness" project. The project aims at boosting urban development by defining the attractiveness of Võru, and how to grow and showcase it to the world. The aim of the project is to enhance local life and to encourage focusing the market strategy on existing strengths.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Towards strategic municipal CSR procurement in Europe: lessons and inspiration from URBACT

    URBACT cities are finding ways to unlock the potential of strategic public procurement to boost Corporate Social Responsibility.


    Steffen Wetzstein

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    Like most of the walled cities in Malta, the best way to truly take in the charm and architectural splendour of Senglea and appreciate its stunning viewpoints of the Grand Harbour is on foot.

    Amanda Abela

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  • Tropa Verde w Aglomeracji Opolskiej - Historia Transferu

    W latach 2018-19 borykaliśmy się w Polsce z wieloma problemami związanymi z gospodarką odpadami, takimi jak pożary składowisk często rozniecanymi przez tzw. mafie śmieciowe, nielegalnymi składowiskami, porzuconymi odpadami itp. Również wiedza na temat segregacji odpadów nie była wystarczająca. 


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