• Find Your Greatness (FYG) transznacionális találkozó Budafokon

    A Budafokon, Budapest 22. kerületében megrendezett Find Your Greatness (Fedezd fel az egyediségedet) elnevezésű projektmeeting (2022. április 20-21.) volt az első személyes találkozó a COVID-19 korlátozások lezárása óta a városhálózat életében. Több partner azonban most is online csatlakozott, és virtuálisan vett részt a rendezvényen. A konzorciumot vezető Alba Iulia, Perugia, Voru és Limerick partnerei, valamint a vezető szakértő, Janez Sirse a magyar fővárosba gyűltek össze, hogy együtt dolgozzanak a projekt utolsó szakaszán, illetve a városmarketing fókuszú integrált akcióterv (IAP) tervezeteken és a projekt tevékenységeivel kapcsolatos egyéb fontos dolgokon.


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Facing unpredictable – challenges connected with co-creation process within the RiConnect project

    The main idea and desired outcome of the co-creation process within RiConnect project includes developing assumptions of integrated actions suitable for the Integrated Action Plan Area in cooperation between different groups of stakeholders. The pandemic situation caused a lot of problems determining the way of working on co-creating specific solutions of the IAP. Here is KMA’s experience in the co-creation process.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Priča o ciljevima održivog razvoja i viziji grada Ozlja do 2030. godine

    Mjesto radnje ove priče je Ozalj, grad u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj - blizu, ali na granici (u dijelu koji je toliko prirodan da ga se naziva zelenim srcem Hrvatske). Ozalj je član mreže gradova Global goals for cities (GG4C) posvećene lokalizaciji ciljeva održivog razvoja i integriranom akcijskom planiranju. Kako promišljaju svoju održivu budućnost pročitajte u nastavku teksta.


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  • The metropolitan dimension of mobility planning

    In today's world, the ability to move freely is one of the basic needs of residents. We move every day for various purposes, to work, to school, to use the services or the unique advantages of a given area. Many journeys have a metropolitan dimension, which means that cities have to look for tools which will facilitate the development of transport and mobility on a metropolitan scale. Here is the approach of the Gdansk metropolis to the issue.

    Mikel Berra-Sandín

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  • Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsētas titulu 2027 iegūst Liepāja

    10. maijā preses konferencē Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā tika paziņots, ka Eiropas Kultūras galvaspilsētas 2027 titulu saņēmusi Liepāja.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • The EU partners of the "Find Your Greatness" project "tasted" the virtues of Candelaria

    'Find Your Greatness' project: fifteen representatives of EU cities participated in the Transnational Meeting held by Candelaria, 3-5 May 2022.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • ROOF Tops: Key Messages to the European Union from the ROOF Network

    This document was co-created by all nine ROOF-cities to articulate through four key messages to the European Union (EU) and other key actors what cities need in the decade to come to end homelessness together with all stakeholders: a strategic Housing-approach grounded in the systematic collection and interpretation of data. Each key message consists of four more detailed submessages.

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • ROOF Advocacy Trajectory: securing the foundations before building the ROOF that ends homelessness

    By Philip Brown, URBACT Ad-hoc Expert for the ROOF network

    Hannelore Bonami

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    Since the first moment of the adhesion of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira to the European program URBACT, the local group of the Active Citizens project privileges experimentation in the field, with the preparation and implementation of small-scale actions, which allow testing and measuring results to improve or reject ideas or concepts. It is true that, by their nature, these actions have the legitimacy to fail, but they can also prove to be powerful and effective tools for citizen participation.

    Barbara Gautherie

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