• Terzo webinar Urbact, i centri culturali e le esperienze per il contrasto ai cambimenti climatici

    I centri culturali, i musei possono essere propulsori per la diffusione di comportamenti green e sostenibili ma anche hub di incontro, partecipazione, formazione e scambio di buone pratiche coinvolgendo direttamente i cittadini e gli attori locali nel contrasto ai cambiamenti climatici. Questo il focus theme al centro del terzo webinar del Punto nazionale di Urbact Italia che si è tenuto questo pomeriggio in diretta sulla pagina Facebook del progetto e sulla piattaforma Zoom. L’incontro fa parte degli approfondimenti della Rete Nazionale di Trasferimento (National Practices Transfer Initiative) sulle esperienze delle città sul tema delle arti e della cultura nel contrasto ai cambiamenti climatici.


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  • Case study OesteCIM: Promotion of ecocentres

    In this sixth case study delivered by the URGE network, OesteCIM - the Intermunicipal Community of the West Region of Portugal - shares lessons learnt on the Torres Vedras Ecocentre and its benefits for circular construction, and gives insight on their approach for the futher promotion of ecocentres in the West region.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Отворена е регистрацията на е-Университета по УРБАКТ за 2022 г.!

    Е-Университет по УРБАКТ през февруари!


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  • Πρακτικές για την κινητικότητα και το δημόσιο χώρο που οδηγούν στη βιωσιμότητα και την ευζωία

    Δημόσιος χώρος

    Τα Δίκτυα Σχεδιασμού Δράσεων του URBACT RiConnect, Space4People και Thriving Streets εγκαινιάζουν μια πλατφόρμα εκμάθησης πολιτικής πόλεων για τα θέματα κινητικότητας και δημόσιου χώρου.


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  • Focus On: Rotterdam - about the city

    As we’re working closely with our partner cities, we thought it would be interesting to say a little about them. This is the first in a series of features focusing on each of the partner cities in USE-IT.

    The first in the series in Rotterdam. Here in Part 1 of the Focus On are a few interesting facts about the city.

    James Carless

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  • Guide

    Integrated Approach to Implementation

    The guide showcases how city practitioners can achieve implementation taking into account the physical, economic and social dimensions of urban development, from a sustai...

  • Önkéntességgel az igazságos társadalomért!

    Azoknak a városoknak, amelyek a jelenleg felmerülő többdimenziós társadalmi szükségletekkel szembesülnek, mint például az idősek és a gyermekek gondozása, a társadalmi elszigeteltség és a depresszió, a munkanélküliség és a szegénység, hogy csak néhányat említsünk, innovatív politikákat kell kidolgozniuk a tapasztalatcserén és az egymástól való tanuláson alapuló kollektív tanulási folyamatok létrehozásán keresztül. Ez az a szakpolitikai változás, amelyet az Önkéntes Városok+ (Volunteering Cites+) hálózat az URBACT módszertan támogatásával fejleszt!


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Reziliență și comunități: URBACT la Bienala de Arhitectură de la Veneția

    „Cum vom trăi împreună?” a pus întrebarea cea de-a 17-a Expoziție Internațională de Arhitectură. URBACT are câteva răspunsuri.

    Irina Panait

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  • Trim: Raising awareness of the SDGs

    The courthouse in Trim stands in the centre of the town, with the castle in the background, it is a reminder of the history and heritage of Trim. Both grey stone buildings have been here longer than us and could tell a story or two.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Loulé depois do confinamento: uma aposta em estilos de vida ativos

    O projeto europeu Healthy Cities teve início em 2019, permitindo à cidade de Loulé continuar o trabalho desenvolvido durante o projeto Vital Cities - Make You Active, mas acrescentando um tema de estudo, debate e análise muito interessante: o espaço urbano local.



    Maria João Matos

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